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Authors note: hey guys im back!!! Sorry I left for so long I just needed a bit of a break, but I'm back to continue the Book!

Back to the story

I collapsed next to him. My breath started to catch up a little bit. Marcus looked over and showed his cute smile again, but then his expression changed to a more worried look.

And then I heard it


Blaring through the street

Coming closer and closer

"Y/N GO GO GO, WE HAVE TO LEAVE NOW" I listened to Marcus and grabbed my clothes, only putting the shirt on. My hand found the door handle and rushed to open it. Marcus grabbed my hand and ran with me. I was tired but I didn't have time to catch my breath.

I don't remember how long we must have been running for, maybe 30 mins? My throat was dry and crusty. I could barely breath and when I did it burned. "Marcus, water. I need water" I said slightly panicking he led me to a small motel and asked for a cup of water. They saw the the worry on his face and handed us a whole bottle.

I let the water engulf my throat. Marcus sat us down behind the motel. " drink all of it, I don't need any" he said. His hand slid around to my waist as he held me close to him. I took what he said and drank the whole bottle, and it did help.

"I love you so much y/n" he said letting me rest my head on his lap. " I love you too". I started giggling a bit. "What" Marcus said. " we just outran the cops after stealing a car" i said laughing. Marcus smiled and shook his head. "Yeah were pretty stupid."

Flash forward to 3am

My eyes opened to Marcus shaking me slightly. " we should go home". I nodded my head in response. We both got up and kept our hands linked as we walked back home.

While we walked we watched the sun slowly rise only until it was just peaking out. The sky was a dark blue color and the air smelt of spring. It was a long, slow walk home but it was peaceful.

When we made it to our houses it was already 4:30am and my parents would have been up in another 30 minutes. Marcus turned me to him and grabbed my hands. His soft hair moved slightly with the breeze. He kissed me on the four head. " ill see you later today but get some more water, food and sleep okay".

I climbed back up to my window and laid in my bed. Then I heard my parents getting up? Why would they be getting up at this time? Did I get caught?

I heard a knock at my door and dug my head into my pillow, pretending to be asleep. My mom creaked the door open. "Y/n I know what happened and I know your not sleeping". I lifted my head and prepared to get yelled at. "I don't care that you like Marcus and I don't care that you snuck out, I know you love him and me and your dad fully support the relationship okay, no hard feelings". My mom was really the best. I was sure she would be mad. "As long as your not  doing illegal drugs and stealing cars, drinking alot, then I don't really mind honey, its your life you live it how you want to". I sat up and hugged my mom tightly. " why are you up?" I asked her. " Paris, remember? Anyways you still have to go to school but you know the drill no party's here". My mom said before kissing me on the head.

school project (marcus baker x reader)Where stories live. Discover now