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Tuesday 8:00 am

I have so much shame from what I did last night. Whats gonna happen if max finds out? She's never gonna be my friend again and then I'll have no one. But it only happened once so maybe if I tell her it won't be so bad. By now I'm usually at Max's house so I left to go to her room. I got inside of her house and max closed her bedroom door. I tried to look normal but it was hard since I had just had sex with her brother. " okay so I got tea!" She said loudly. My palms started sweating and I could feel the slight tension in the room. "Okay so there must have been some girl over last night because..... look what I found" she said while holding up MY bra! "Omg wow haha" I said nervously. Max ignored the tension and moves on to her makeup. Well I definitely can't tell her now. I guess ill just have to wait a few days and then tell her. About an hour later I was still with max and once again marcus came and knocked on the door. " im leaving in 7, hurry up. y/n I need to talk to you about the... project". He didn't want to talk about the project obviously. I grabbed my stuff, said goodbye to max and followed him to his car. "okay so I don't want to talk about the project itself. I want to talk about last night. Did you tell max?" He said once we got settled in his car. "no, I can't yet. It will ruin everything also she found my bra in your room." I said annoyed. " we can talk about it if you want?". I thought about it for a second and then saw max coming out of the house. "No thanks" I said.

flash forward to 2:00pm, last period of the day.

During the last few periods I had tried my best to avoid marcus but he just wouldn't give it up. Marcus walked across the classroom, to my desk and grabbed my arm. He pulled me out of the classroom and took me outside. "Where the fuck are you taking me?" I said. He didn't say anything and instead put me in the front seat of his car. He pulled out of the parking lot and began driving. "Okay so where are we going?". Marcus didn't say anything again. I chose to keep my mouth shut since he wouldn't talk back.

We pulled up to a small lake that had a bench next to it. He told me to sit down on the bench and so I did."somethings wrong y/n, so can you please tell me?". My lip started quivering as I tried to push the thought of what max would do if she found out. A few tears fell down my face and I wiped them away while saying "I don't wanna keep that big of a secret from her but I don't want to stop and I just don't know what to do and-". Marcus took my hands in his and held them close to his face. " don't worry about it, okay? Just do what you think is best". I looked him in the eyes and pulled my hands away from him. He looked a bit upset but I knew that I didn't want to do that.  I pulled his lips towards mine by his neck and kissed him.

school project (marcus baker x reader)Where stories live. Discover now