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10:30 am Thursday

Marcus hadn't shown up at school so far. I was secretly hoping that he would just come back already.

I didn't have time to watch the news or anything so I didn't know if they reported him missing or not.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when max came up to me. "Hey" she said. "Who do you think you are coming and saying hi to me like were friends?". I said

" I know I'm sorry. I really fucked you guys up and im really fucking sorry. i told my family what happened and that you aren't using me". " thanks" I said before I got up and moved seats.

The nerve she had to ruin my fucking life and then act like we were on good terms. I appreciate what she did but the timing is really fucked.

God I really need him right now. He's like no one I've ever met before. He knows how to calm me down and make the pain go away.


After I made myself some food I turned on the TV to the news channel. After a few cases I saw one of the headlines at the bottom. " teen boy, marcus baker, missing since last night" It read. A picture of him was plastered on the TV.

He really ran away.

10:00 pm

I thought maybe I should go out myself and look for him and so I did. It was really cold tonight so im sure he's hiding away in some store.

Hours went past and I checked every store around the neighborhood before heading back to my house. Where the fuck did he go?

By the time I got back to my house it was around 1 am so I decide to try and sleep.

Friday 11am

Once again this morning on the TV I saw marcus within there headlines. When was someone gonna find him?

The classrooms got quiet when I walked in, every single time. People understood that I was going through some tough shit.

My parents had texted me and told me that by the time I got home from school they would be home from their trip. I guess I was exited to not be alone everyday.

I had already called them and told them everything. They deserved to know.


"Mom, dad, im home" I yelled when I opened the door. My mom and dad were sitting at the counter. They looked rather happy. " y/n they found marcus!" My mom said as she ran up to hug me.

I smiled brightly as I heard those words...

They found Marcus.

school project (marcus baker x reader)Where stories live. Discover now