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Marcus tapped his thighs with the palms of his hand, telling me to come over to him. I went over to him and sat on his lap. He pulled me forward by grabbing my butt. Out faces were nearly inches apart. His hot breath filtered across my face. His hands went under my shirt and he traced random shapes on my stomach. i lifted my arms and let him take my shirt off, he did the same.  I took my time tracing my fingers down his slightly toned stomach. He twitched when I got to his v-line. I pulled his pants down and went back to kiss him.

The kiss got rough and steamy. Marcus grabbed my hips and moved them back and forth slowly. "What the fuck is going on here? Wait y/n?". I moved off of Marcus and sat on the other side of the bed. Marcus stayed where he was with an expressionless face . "what the fuck. So You are fucking him huh. Wow Marcus i don't even know what to say. Fuck you both. Max yelled. I grabbed her arm and said through tears "max, I'm sorry. I love him. We can still be friends, right?". Max gritted her teeth together and pushed me off her. "Don't touch me, don't text me, don't call me, don't fucking talk to me unless you plan to leave this shit relationship you have with my brother" max said before leaving the room. I lost all the feeling in my body and just cried. I sat on marcuses bed and let out the biggest scream, hoping it would release my anger. I sat there and let it all out. I couldn't talk or else I would just cry harder. It felt like my whole world had fell apart and there was no hope, that I lost the biggest part of me.

Marcus had chased after her so I was all alone in his bedroom. I got all my shit and left his house.

I got into my room and closed the door. My heart sank to the floor with me. I took in a deep breath and cried some more. My head slammed back against the door but I didn't feel the pain. All I wanted was to sink into the floor and dissappear. My mind wandered between Marcus and max. I love Marcus but there's so much history with max. I sat there and remembered, remembered all the little things like birthday parties, drama, boys. Things were easier when we were younger but I can't change it now.


I woke a bit shocked since I was still sitting against the door. My eyes burnt from all the crying. I didn't have any tears left to offer though. I got up and felt the cold breeze from my window. The sirens, the dogs, the street, the partying it was all so calming. Marcus must be worried about me, I thought. I looked back out of my window and had an idea that would make me feel better...

school project (marcus baker x reader)Where stories live. Discover now