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"Same as you neighbor", he whispered. I jumped down to the ground and looked up at him with soft eyes. "What a coincidence", I said, knowing that he watched my sneak out and followed along. Marcus jumped down after the comment and grabbed my hand. He pulled me forward and started running. Having no choice but to follow him, I let him take me where he wanted. The night air was a bit chilly but refreshing, although it didn't really make me tired at all. We kept running until we made it to the where all the shops were. The lights from the lamps lit the street just the slightest, giving a warm feeling to the air. "Wait what if max is out?" I asked. He slid a strand of hair behind my ear before saying, "I don't care anymore". His lips crashed into mine and in that moment I felt so zoned out. It seemed as if the whole world had stopped and no one was watching us. He put more pressure and passion into the kiss, making him almost impossible to stay away from. Our lips moved with eachothers like a rhythm. He parted our lips. His hands cupped my face carefully. "I think I love you y/n" he said staring deep into my eyes. "I think I love you too" I replied, smiling bigger then I ever have before. He pecked me on the nose quickly before we continued walking down the dark street.

We were walking down the street, with his arm over my shoulder. I didn't have a single care in the world, all I knew is I wanted this to never end. There was one thing I knew we had to talk about at one point so I decided to bring it up now. "So what are we gonna do, about like max and stuff" I said. He looked down at the ground, "I don't know honestly. Maybe we should tell her soon, she should know". I agreed with what he said but she would never approve of this. " I guess your right but she's not gonna be happy" I said. he turned his face back to mine and held my shoulders. "We'll tell her friday, but for now let's just enjoy this. I nodded and he put his arm back over my shoulder.

Flash forward to 3am

"Okay goodnight" he said pecking me softly on the mouth and then on the four head. "Goodnight" I said before climbing back up to my window.

I had never had so much fun in my life. i can't believe I told him I loved him. I mean I do but still .... max. When I got in my room a threw myself onto my bed. I smiled, thinking about him and the night we had, that kiss, the feelings, the whole thing was so unreal. My eyes fluttered shut and I fell into a deep sleep...

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