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On my way down the stairs to the boys locker room, I could feel my heart racing. Marcus stood at the bottom of the stairs with a cute smile. Once I made it to the bottom he placed both hands on my jaw/cheek and gave me a small peck on the lips. The small pecks grew to longer harder kisses until we were full on making out.

He gripped my butt midway through the kiss, causing me to moan. "In the boys locker room, really?", I said. Marcus looked into my eyes intensely. " really. Now get on your knees" he whispered. I lowered my self down to my knees, slowly.

"What are you guys doing?" Someone asked. I rushed to my knees and acted like nothing had happened. "Principles office NOW". Marcus looked quite worried that we had just been caught and honestly so am I.

We sat in the office for about an hour before the principal sat down to talk with us. My legs were jittery and I was so nervous. It was almost the same feeling of having your parents look through your phone when you forgot to delete something. Marcus was bitting his nails, trying to hide the fact that I almost gave him head right in front of a teacher.

"We don't approve of inappropriate behaviors at school, do your parents know about this?" He said. I looked at marcus for an answer but I couldn't find anything. "not going to talk? Your both getting 3 day suspension and your parents will be notified soon, i-" the principal was cut off by Marcus. He threw a bag of weed on the table and slid it over to him. "You want this, I'll give you a teachers discount if you let us off the hook". The teacher looked red and embarrassed  from the comment. Is Marcus actually selling weed to our principal? His face rose with frustration as he took the bag and put it in his pocket. "Your off the hook, get the fuck out of my office now".

On the way out of the office me and marcus burst out in laughter. "D-did you see his face" I said uncontrollably laughing. Our laughs and wheezes filled the halls of the high school as we made our way back to class.

Flash forward to 12am

"You need sleep, go to bed okay" my mom said pulling the covers over my body. "K goodnight" i said before she closed the door. I laid there for an hour before I realized I wasn't tired and no one was awake anymore.it was quite the nice day out today so the weather right now couldn't have been that bad. Maybe I should sneak out? It's not causing anybody any harm, so why not. I grabbed a sweater, my phone and my wallet before I attempted sneaking out. As I climbed out of my window marcus opened his window too. " what are you doing?" I wispered. " same as you, neighbor'' he whispered back...

school project (marcus baker x reader)Where stories live. Discover now