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Matt brought me inside by my arm and led us towards the drink table.

"It's busy as fuck in here," Matt said in my ear. I nodded my head and turned my attention to Marcus. I saw him at the entrance of the house with a small girl with black hair.

I had never seen this girl before, where did he meet her?

10 pm. 


The party was getting wild!  People were dancing on top of tables, striping, literally everything. Matt was giving me drinks left and right which was fine because I needed to drown Marcus out of my head.

I was sitting on top of Blake's island talking with matt about who fucking knows what, when he grabbed my hand.

He said something to me but I couldn't hear it over the loud music. Suddenly I looked over at Marcus and saw him making out with the girl he brought. My face turned red and I excused myself from Matt.

I left for the guest bathroom and locked the door behind me. I glanced down at the floor and slid my way down the door.

A tear or 2 escaped from my eyes before I dryer them with my arm.

Clearly, he had no problems with moving on, and that hurt.

Memories flooded through my mind as I stared at the ceiling.

What has my life come to, I thought to myself?

"Y/n?! Y/n I know your in there can you open the door?" I heard from the outside of the door.

I stood up and twisted the doorknob, only cracking the door open slightly. To my surprise, it was Marcus that was at the door and not matt.

Marcus shoved the door open and closed it roughly behind him.

I flinched

"Why are you here?"

Marcus got closer to me

" why are you?"

I pushed myself back against the counter.

"Who is she," I asked.

Marcus inched closer to me, placing his hands on the counter behind me.

"Who is he" Marcus whispered.

We both stayed in the same position for a few seconds.

Marcus leaned his face so close to mine to the point where his face was 2 inches from mine.

His head was turned to the left, like he was gonna kiss me.

" what are you doing Marcus"

I said to him, my mouth craving his taste.

"I'll give you 2 choices y/n..."

Marcus said.

My lips were parted.

I wanted him so bad

I crave every bit of him right now

But I don't just want sex, I want him

I want Marcus baker.


school project (marcus baker x reader)Where stories live. Discover now