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I recommend listening to the song above while reading.

When I showed up at school everyone was looking at me like a killed there mother or something.

I felt so judged and hurt at the same time." Slut" some one said before publishing me to the ground. When I turned around I saw max.

"Max can we please talk" I asked her. Max looked at me, deep onto my soul. " you should really consider killing yourslef" she said.

I didn't believe what she was saying, it was too much to handle. My hands started shaking and I shoved them in my pockets to make them stop, they didn't.

Where's Marcus? Why isn't he here? All I really have is him and right where I need him he's not here?


Where are you

Marcus i need you please answer
Thing are bad please pick up


Please im gonna have a panic attack

End of text convo

I knew if I didn't get help soon I was gonna have a massive panick attack so I left school. I must have called him 10 times and he still hadn't picked up.

When I got to his house I ran up the stairs to his room and tried to open the door. "Marcus please open the door". There was just silence.

The door was locked and must have been blocked from the inside.

There's only one way into the room now

I ran back downstairs, out the door and climbed up to his window.

My breath stopped

I fell to my knees

My shaky hand opened the window

I saw his body on the the floor next to a few bottles of pills

I couldn't do life without him

"MARCUS MARCUS, MARCUS PLEASE JUST WAKEUP. I NEED YOU" I shook him side to side while screaming, doing anything I could to wake him up.

I pulled my phone out and called 911...


"Please save him , he can't die , just do something please i-"

"Mam you need to go to the waiting room we will give you what we can".

My heart was going so fast I thought I was gonna have a heart attack. Tears covered my face, neck and clothes.

I wanted to see him alive again but there was no promise of that.

Why did he do it?

Was it my fault?

I should have said something, or done something.

My limp body fell into a chair.

My eyes moved to max who was running through the hospital entrance. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM, WHY DID YOU DO IT" she screamed at me. She kept going at it but I kept quiet.


I've been in this hospital with max qnd his parents for hours and hours upon end. She's in the room with him and im just waiting for my turn.

Marcuses pov

I woke up maybe 30 mins ago with max,mom and dad next to me. My head hurt like fuck but otherwise everything else was okay.

"Where's y/n?" I asked.

She's the only person I want to see right now

My parents and my sister played a roll in me overdosing

Last night when I got home they told me I was moving schools and going to a private school because I wasn't ment to be with her.

There was a lot of yelling and fighting before I decided I didn't want to deal with this.

"Y/n's not here sweetheart" my mom answered with a smile. My heart sank.

"She didn't want to be here, she's breaking up with you" max said giving me a hug.

Thats nothing like y/n, she wouldn't do that. I know her..

I didn't hug max back. There was no point.

"leave please" I said rolling over onto my side. Why does my life always have to be like this.

"Get the fuck out all of you and get     y/n". Max tried to "calm" me down but I just want her to leave.

She wouldn't have left if anything she would have been tired and went home, but she didn't break up with me I won't believe  it.

Back to your pov

I saw max come back up and I insisted to have her tell me whats gonna happen.

" he doesn't want to see you, I'm sorry" she said. "No no, let me see him. Max move the fuck out of the way".

"Y/n he said to tell you, its over" all the memories we had flashed in front of me.

"I think its about time you leave" she said. "Let me see him please, its not true, YOUR LYING, let me see him please. Please max" I cried out to her.

Two guards took my arms and dragged me out of the hospital...

school project (marcus baker x reader)Where stories live. Discover now