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We kissed for a bit before I heard a voice I  the backround. Marcus heard it to and pulled away cautiously. "what are you guys doing here?" A voice said from behind us. We looked over and saw Abby, who was one of Max's good friends. Did she see what we were doing? " why were you guys kissing?" She asked with a pissy look. My heart dropped when i realized we had been caught. "Abby you can't tell max, please just don't. I'll pay you money, anything Abby." I said to her visibly stressed. She backed away slowly. Marcus grabbed my hand and held on to it. Abby didn't say anything and instead ran off back to her own car and sped away.

What are we gonna do know? I guess its better to get it out sooner then later but I really like Marcus, like alot. I can't let go of him just because he's my best friend's brother."we'll figure things out y/n" Marcus said, trying to calm me down. It was hard to listen to that since I was so sure everything was gonna go to shit soon.

Flash forward to 4:00pm

We had arrived at marcuses house about 30 minutes ago without max, again. i had brought my computer over to work on the project but I had noticed the battery was going all funky on me. Marcus went to go and get us some subway and left his laptop on his desk. " shit shit shit nooo" I wipered. My computer had died and I had no other choice but to use his. I grabbed his computer and opened it, of course it needed a password. i tried the normal things like his birthday, some of his friends names, random numbers, but non of them worked. What else could he have put for a password? My mind wandered off before I thought of something. What if I put my name?, like just as a joke. I put in my name and hit the enter button. The password was wrong and I was a kinda relieved. My curiosity got the best of me again so I typed in my birthday. The loading took axtra long this time but it actually worked!! Damn what a simp. the screen loaded and the first thing I saw was a picture of me from last summer, in a string bikini. Now I know why he's up so late😏.

It felt like it had been forever since I've worn a bikini, I missed it. I missed the summer air and staying out tell 3am because it was nice out. Things were always good during the summer. "Hey y/n i-" Marcus stopped midway through his sentence when he saw the picture. He looked a bit embarrassed but still had his cute smile on his face like normal. "Come here" I said. As he got closer I pulled our faces to together by the collar of his shirt. Maybe this thing that going on between us could work. But again it wasn't exactly right. Marcus ran to the other side of the room, giving me a worried look. His mom was standing in the doorway with his laundry. She looked like nothing happened so maybe she didn't see anything, but that was still risky.

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