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"Who was it?" I asked him calmly. Marcus wouldn't compley he just kept saying he was sorry. "Marcus, who was it?" I asked once more.

A sob escaped his mouth as he breathed out. "It was padma" he said. "When did you do it?".

"The night that we snuck out together for the first time, it was a few hours before.

Y/n I'm sorry please forgive me, I was confused. We weren't Serious yet, please just forgive me" Marcus said through tears.

That was the night he told me he loved me. Why would he sleep with padma and then tell me loves me.

His hand gripped my arm, but I pushed it off. "No. Don't touch me" I said. Why would I fall for a guy like him, everyone knows that he's a cheater.

I left his house but he kept following me. Marcus went on about how sorry he was and that he wanted us to work, I wanted us to work but we can't if everything and everyone is telling us we can't.

Wait, why wasn't I crying? Not even a little bit? I wanted to but I couldn't push myself to do it.

"Y/n why aren't you saying anything?  TALK TO ME." He said to me.

"I don't know what to say. I love you so much, and your right we weren't serious but you said you loved me that night....

I think your parents are right marcus, were not right for eachother and that's okay"i said. Marcus broke down into tears on his knees, he took my hands and held them while he sobbed. Seeing him so upset made me tear up a bit. I wiped my tears away and took my hands away before I closed the door to my house.

I wachted from my room window as Marcus stayed in the same position for maybe an hour, crying. His head in his hands with his knees up as he cried against the side of my house.

Finally max came out and tried to take him into the house. She held his hand and dragged him back up to his feet. "Common Marcus" she said.

" don't you ever talk to me again max. You fucked up the one thing in my  life that made me happy. Now she's gone, she's probably never gonna talk to me again. And it's all your fault. I hope your happy now because I'm not." Marcus said in a sturn voice.

Max managed to drag him back into there house after 30 more minutes of yelling from marcus.

I sank into my bed after closing my window and fell asleep.

3: 37 am

I heard footsteps against the gravel out my window. When I looked out the window I say Marcus, running. He had a garbage bag with him that was drapped over his shoulder. He ran and ran into the darkness of the streets  until you couldn't even see him.

Was Marcus running away? I leaped out of bed and slid down the stairs to my front door.

"MARCUS, MARCUS COME BACK..... MARCUS" I yelled while I ran through the streets.

It was too late he was gone, someone would have to find him eventually.

But this hurt, more then him cheating. This hurt alot.

school project (marcus baker x reader)Where stories live. Discover now