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I took a quick look around my room before climbing out of my window. When I made it to the ground I pulled my phone out in a rush and texted Marcus.'


Y/n: look out your window

My gaze moved to his window to see if he got the text. Sure enough with few seconds I saw marcuses cute smile peering at me through his window. He opened his window and whispered to me " you feeling a bit better?". I shrugged my shoulders at him in response. Marcus came down to the ground and hugged me tightly. "Sorry I didn't do this earlier" he said in a sympathetic tone. "Its okay, you were just as upset as I am, but let's just go now. I really just want to get that off my mind".

Marcus took me back to the street we went to the first time we told eachother we loved eachother. He held my hand as we walked deeper and deeper into the dark streets. A few blocks away there was a diner I had always wanted to go to. "Why don't we go to that diner you like" Marcus said. I smiled and exepted the offer.

"Aww fuck its closed" I said to Marcus.  Marcus took one look at the diner and then to the parking lot. A grin grew on his face. "Cmon" he said. His hand led me to an obviously expensive car. I looked at marcus with a sly smirk. Were we really about to steal a car. Marcus took a swipe of the area before attempting to open the door. The door swung right open leaving me in shock. What kind of person would leave such a nice car with the keys inside. We hoped inside and marcus started the engine. Once it started I could feel a huge wave of excitement and anxiety rush over me.

My hands were almost shaking as we drove off from all the excitement. Marcus sped through the streets causing us to be pulled into our seats. The city lights looked like streaks of light. A smile formed on my face as the adrenaline took over my tense body. Marcus pulled into an alley way and parked the car. He looked over at me with a smile while panting,"HOLY SHIT! Did you see how fast we were going!" He said. I pulled his face to mine and connected our lips as my answer.

Momentarily, I felt the same way the first night we snook out together. The world puased and everything was in slow motion.

Marcus pulled me onto of his lap and reclined the seat just a little bit. He swirled his tounge around in my mouth, deepening the kiss. I took my shirt off and his too. My jittery hands grabbed his hair. He pulled away and un buckled his pants quickly. While he was busy with that, I took me pants off.

I pushed him into me and went slow. My head flopped over into marcuses neck, where I left soft kisses.  Marcus moaned and grabbed my butt roughly. He made the motions of up and down on his member by using my butt. I leaned forward more so he could go harder and faster. My head was rested on the top of the seat while Marcus increased his speed. A hot moan came escaping from marcuses lips, making me feel more pleased. Marcus drilled himself into me one last time before him and i both came. I leaned back and reached for his chin. I planted one last strong kiss on his lips before collapsing on the seat next to him.

school project (marcus baker x reader)Where stories live. Discover now