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I slid my hands down to his lower neck, still keeping our lips in tack. He pulled away for a second and asked "are you sure you want to do this?". I nodded my head and continued making out with him. Marcus closed the door and locked it, earning a slight smirk from him. My heart pounded as I internally prepared myself for what was going to happen. He pushed me onto his bed and climbed on top of me. Our lips connected once more. He took his shirt off and then looked down at me. His cold hands slid to the bottom of my shirt and pulled it off slowly. He stared at my shirtless body and ran his finger tips over the waist band of my sweatpants. His hands were so soft and gentle but at the same time made a cold shiver go up my spine every time he touched me. I could feel him getting harder by the second and all I wanted was him to be inside of me. He yanked my pants and panties off, throwing them across the room to join the pile of clothes.i sat up a bit and helped him take his pants off, leaving him in his boxers only. Marcus pushed me back down by my chest and pulled his dick out. I kissed him one last time before he entered me. It felt slightly uncomfortable for a bit but then turned into pleasure. Marcus was breathing heavy to the point where he was almost panting I held my hands on his neck as he went in and out of me slowly, letting me adjusted to his size. His eyes never looked away from mine. I let out a small moan but I wanted to be quiet since his mom was downstairs. He started getting sloppy and slow until his eyes rolled to the back of his head and he came. He grabbed my chin and kissed me passionately. "Did you cum?" He said while panting. "No" I said in a soft nervous voice. A sly grin formed on his face as he leaned back into kiss me. Once again his hands crept down to my heat. He slid in 2 fingers and I moaned into the kiss. He continued to kiss me while he moved on to 3 fingers inside of me, his free hand still holding on to my chin. My stomach hurt from the knot that was forming in my stomach, similar to having intense butterflies. I twitched and felt the knot go away and my liquids being released. Marcus smiled into the last kiss before he took his fingers out and licked them clean. He laid down beside me under the sheets and moved my head to his chest. I could hear his fast heartbeat through his skin. "Hey" he said, grabbing my fingers and playing with them. I laughed and responded back, "hey". Marcus looked over to his watch and started to panic. " omg you have to go, max is gonna be here any second now". I felt blood rushing to my heart when I heard that so I started packing everything up and getting dressed rapidly. Me and marcuses eyes widened when we heard the garage door. Fuck, max was home and she would be suspicious if she found me still in his room. Marcus put a blanket around his waist and helped me get my shit together. " fuck fuck fuck, your going out the window." Marcus said in a hurry. "WHAT! THE FUCKING WINDOW." I whispered back. We could both now here the sound of maxs footsteps coming up the stairs. " GO GO GO" he whispered. I climbed out of his window onto the roof as my legs started shaking. Max knocked at his door and I had found a beam that I could slide down on. It was stone so it would be a bit painful but I had to go NOW. I quickly went down the beam and ran to my house which was next door. I made it inside and started panting from all the shit that just went down.

school project (marcus baker x reader)Where stories live. Discover now