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Y/n: marcus...

Marcus: yeah..

I traced my fingers across his jawline until I got to his chin. From there I pulled his chin in and laid my lips onto his. Marcus put a hand on my shoulder and pulled himself away.

Marcus: I thought you just wanted to be friends

Y/n: shut up please

I said softly before going back in. I closed my eyes and let everything flow. Marcus swirled his tounge around in my mouth, causing me to follow.

His tounge was warm and smooth against mine. I felt as if i pulled away I would lose everything, so I didn't.

I propped myself on his lap and grinded softly against him. My hands moved to his neck.

I felt him get hard underneath me and I smiled into the kiss. Marcus had had enough of my teasing and took his pants off. He flung his pants across the room.

I took his shirt off and put my finger on his collar bone. From there I dragged my finger inch by inch down his lightly toned stomach. Once I made it to the hem of his boxers I slid them down, pulled away from the kiss, and pulled it out.

Marcus took in a deep breath and relaxed himself. I kissed the tip before putting the whole 8 inches into my mouth. He put his left arm behind his head and pushed my head down with the other.

As I came back up I swirled my tounge on the the tip. I kept repeating those actions in order to please him.

Marcus bobbed my head up and down by my hair which he had tangled in his fingers. Each time I took it whole I could feel his grip tighten on my hair.

I shoved my head down and shook it slightly while I held my place. Marcus sucked in through his teeth, telling me he liked it.

Again and again I kept repeating the actions, throwing in that trick every once in a while.  Finally I felt Marcus twitch in my mouth.

I deep throated him again and did my trick before feeling warm, salty liquid run down my throat. Marcuses grip had loosened on my hair after he finished, letting me put my head back up.

I wiped me mouth with my arm and swallowed his cum. I scrunched my nose from the saltiness and emedietly drank some water. Marcus laughed at me.

Then I laid my head down on his chest and listened to his heartbeat. I focused myself on his heartbeats and thought for a second that I was in love, but no I'm not inlove with him.

"So are we dating again?" Marcus said wrapping his arma around my chest. I thought about it for second but chose not to do it all over again.

"No, just friends. Or friends with benefits" i said. Marcus tried to hide his frown but I still saw it. "Oh okay" he said.

marcuses pov

Those words hurt. Of course I would never get over her.

But why did I even aske that in the first place if I knew she was gonna reject me? Maybe I had some hope she would change her mind, but if she's gonna move on, I'll move on too.

Just friends.....with benefits.

Thats all

Authors note:

Please if your enjoying this book share it with other people, vote or read my other story! Also enjoy the rest of your week and take care of yourself.

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