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Wednesday 8am

I couldn't sleep last night. The feeling that he gives me keeps me awake but it also worries me. Thank God his mom didn't see anything. But still I need to be more careful with my surroundings. Maybe I should tell max soon, she won't agree with it but she deserves to know. Why can't I stop thinking about him? He won't leave my mind and whenever I think about him my stomach hurts with butterflies. I know I want hims so badly, I want to be his forever but that just can't happen.

My mom knocked on my door and opened it. "Come downstairs soon we have something to tell you" she said. I nodded my head, clearly sleep deprived. "Woah why do you look so tired", "wow thanks mom" I said back. "Well what happened, you clearly need sleep". "just thinking about someone". My moms face lit with joy as she heard those words."ooooh okay I want to hear about this later" she said before leaving my room.

When I got downstairs I saw breakfast on the table, which is strange since no one in this house eats breakfast. I sat down, giving my parents a suspicious look. "okay so as you might know our anniversary is coming up this weekend" she said giving dad a sly smile. "So we're going on a trip to Paris!!" My dad said happily. "So im guessing i have to have a babysitter, fun" i rolled my eyes. "Well the other great thing is that since we think your responsible and old enough, you'll have the whole house to yourself for the week!"my mom spoke again. "Really wow thanks, so uh when you guys leaving". " Friday morning, we'll be back next Friday late at night probably". For once I was actually really exited to have my parents gone. It's been years since I've been able to be alone in the house for long because of what happened a few years back, obviously I threw a giant party and they found out.

Flash forward to 1pm, period three

"k I'll see you next period bitch" max said, giving me a hug before she left. I grabbed my supplies and made my way to class. When I sat down I saw Marcus staring at me. His eyes looked over me exactly the same way they had on that night in his room. He wanted it but why here, in school.

After the teacher had stopped talking and let the class do whatever, marucs came over to me. He grabbed my hand before leaving. There was a tiny, crumpled piece of paper in my hands now. It read: boys locker room, 5 minutes. I smiled at the note and proudly tucked it in my pocket.

"Hey Mr. Peter can I go to the washroom" I asked after few minutes had gone by. He agreed to let me go to the bathroom, and now my plan was in action...

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