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Saturday, 7:am
Still marcusus pov

I woke up cuddled up next to y/n.

Fuck, I missed her

The sun crept through my blinds, hitting my eyes. I shaded them with my hand and continued to look at her. She's so perfect in everyway, she's perfect for me.

I stood up and went down stairs to get some coffee. From upstairs I could  hear my family talking about me and y/n, if we were together again.

I interrupted them and grabbed to cups of coffee. "Sorry hunny did you hear us?" My mom said. " no I didn't hear anything" I said after I put sugar in Y/n's coffee. My parents went back to talking, but I didn't listen.

Back to your pov

I felt hotness on my eyes and opened them to beams of sun coming from the blinds. I sat myself up right and made sure to look at the time.

Before I could even look at the time I saw marcus come into the room with two cups of coffee and a redbull. "Left ones yours and so is the red bull" he said with a smile.

My face felt hot and heavy just like the rest of my but his gestures made me smile.

It had been maybe an hour when Marcus turned to me, " remember we have blakes party tonight alright?". I nodded my head.


Marcus had been on his phone alot in the past few hours, and he kept smiling at it. I think he's talking to a girl.

I know I need to move on from Him but that still hurts. I decided that if he was gonna start talking to someone then so was i.

"Sorry bro I gotta leave" I said getting up. Marcus nodded his head and continued texting. I grabbed the stuff i brought and headed out to my house.

When I got into my room I threw myself onto the bed and went onto my snap. Right away I remembered I had a guys snap from a few months back that I hadn't talked to in awhile.
(Yes I know this is kio cyr, just pretend its not!)

(Yes I know this is kio cyr, just pretend its not!)

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Hey someone I know is throwing a party, I was wondering if you wanted to be my date?     

Yeah ide love to, send me the time. I'll pick you up

Okay pick me up around 7pm:)

Conversation ended

Honestly matt was good for me, better then Marcus for sure. 


I was sitting on my front porch with my bag waiting for Matt. Because we were going to a party I wanted to dress a bit more fancy and not how I normally do so I put on a short dress. The dress was black and had triangle cuts on the side of them.

Soon I saw Matt's car pull up into the driveway and saw him wave at me.

"Hey, i stopped at the gas station and got you a case of redbulls" he said as I buckled my seat belt. "Really!?" I said with a huge smile across my face. Matt nodded and pointed to the 6pack of redbull in the back.

I know I already had one today but I can't believe he remembered how much I liked them.

I grabbed Matt's face and gave him a quick peck on the lips, before I grabbed one out of the case.

When we arrived at the party 20 minutes later people were crowded around the house everywhere. My guess there must have been 50 people and thats just on the outside. Blake was a friends of me and marcuses that moved to a different school last year because his parents got Hella RICH!

Authors note: should I make a story about kio cyr because I'm kinda tempted now?


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