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Thursday 11:30 am

Me and marcus had started hanging out alot now and was enjoying every second of it. Max still hadn't suspected anything that i know of about me and marcus getting close. We weren't being flirty or anything, just acting like good friends.

I was sitting at my desk working on part of the project and marcus had gone to the bathroom. Max came over and started talking to me about marcus. "You guys are getting close", "uh yeah. It's because we've been spending so much time together on the project" I said, trying not to let it all out. " soooo your his friend" she asked. "Yeah". Max looked a bit mad and also frustrated, it was really confusing. "Okay just don't be fucking him behind my back" she said laughing awkwardly before leaving the table. My palms started sweating and I couldn't feel anything. I need to leave this class.

Marcus was still out in the bathroom and all I wanted was to talk to him, he'd make me feel better. Without asking the teacher, I walked to the bathroom and while I was on my way, saw Marcus. My chest was puffing in and out violently, was I about to have a panic attack? Marcus noticed quickly and pulled me into the bathroom. He locked the door and set me down on the counter. " hey, hey. Its okay, take some deep breaths and drink some water". I agreed to drink some water and try to calm myself down. He sat both of us back up on the counter and asked me to explain what was going on. " max asked if we were friends and I said yes. She looked so fucking angry and we both know I hate that fucking face she makes when she's mad a-and then...".

My words stopped and I just cried. Marcus hugged me and rubbed my back for a bit. His touch was soft and warm. "can you keep going?" He asked. I stayed where I was, my head in the crease of his heated neck." She uh, she said "just don't be fucking him behind my back" a-and she left". My breaths slowed down from the feeling of him and how safe he made me feel. "Were gonna tell her tomorrow okay? Even if things don't go exactly to plan, you'll always have me. I'm not going anywhere y/n".

Flash forward 6pm

"Okay okay, give me the bra back" I said giggling. Marcus was trying to figure out how woman put on bras and was obviously having a rough time. "Oh my head is stuck, shit, help. Oh nevermind my arm is stuck too", "come here and maybe you can try it on me" I said boldly. Marcus's tangled self looked at me and walked over to the chair I was sitting in. I helped him take it off while uncontrollably laughing. Once I untangled him he threw it across the room and sat on the bed. Marcus looked at me with a cute grin. "What?" I said laughing at his smile...

school project (marcus baker x reader)Where stories live. Discover now