Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Disclaimer: I do not own BNHA or any other fictional story that i my use in here.


Waking up in a fluffy and warm place, Momo really didn't want to get up. She was starting to get hungry, and certainly could go for something to drink. At first she appreciated the silence and that Edward didn't open the curtains but after few minutes of laying with closed eyes little Momo slowly felt that her bed shouldn't be so hard.

Opening her eyes she saw only darkness, causing the little girl to panic a little. With all that happened to this point coming back to her, the ravenette remembered that she wasn't alone.

"Zuku? Where are you?" She called out, fearing that her new friend left her behind. Silent thuds resounded from behind the doors, and after few seconds the glowing green eyes peered inside.

"I am here, Momo. Something happened?" The armored teen called out to his little companion, catching in her tone of voice a bit of distress.

"I just woke up and you were gone... I was afraid that you left me..." She replied, a bit embarrassed that she didn't believe in him.

"Don't worry, i just wanted to look around the place when you were sleeping." Her new friend said, not taking any offense. Something was a bit different about him thou and it took the girl a few seconds to identify what.

"... Are you taller?" She asked unsure, getting out of the sleeping bag and gathering it up. The cool air inside the underground bunker caused the little girl to shiver a bit. Looking around the room, the generator was missing too.

"I modified my body to include the generator, it's a bit bulky but I managed to upgrade it, and silence it more too." The greenette turned a bit to show her his back, it looked a bit as if he had a hump but at the same time it wasn't that bad. The green bionic teen was taller and more bulky now but still would easily fit into the corridors.

"Wow... What else can you do? Can you create anything you want? You look like one of those mechas from Mell's games!" Momo happily said, walking to her new friend to get a closer look.

"I... Don't know. I don't remember much really to be completely honest. I just wanted to somehow take the generator with us and this is what my meta ability came up with. I got a warning that altering the core frame of my body is permanent, when i tried to make it less backpack like so... It is what it is, for now." Slowly going out to the bigger chamber, the two of them continued the conversation.

"I'm sorry that you don't remember anything... My parents may be able to help find out more about you when we return to them. My dad knows all sorts of people, I'm sure he can do something like that." Looking around, Momo quickly saw that a lot of things from the room were missing. The blackboards were cleared and only a few parts of the computer remained, strewn across the table.

"I had to use the materials available to make my own version of that generator. Sadly i can't generate matter like you, maybe if my main power source was online but that would burn thru the core like there is no tomorrow." The greenette mused, getting the little girls attention.

"You could make things like me?" She asked, equal part curious and surprised.

"No, not like you exactly. Theoretically i could create matter from energy but it's just not efficient enough to utilize. Unless you have an unlimited source of power of some kind it's just a waste off energy." He explained to the small girl, to his surprise she seemed to understand, even if a little.

"But if i could make you more Palladium for the reactor, how much matter could you create with this one you have?" With this question in the air they arrived at the massive doors leading outside the Bunker.

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