Chapter 28

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Chapter 28


"Ahhh... this is the way to live..." Leaning deeply into a leather armchair that he dragged there from one the apartments, Wolfram looked over the whole island from the control room.

Overtaking this overgrown raft was rather easy, especially when the security was switched off. A few heroes that were stationed on the I-island were not able to stop a flood of one and a half thousand robots, especially when defending the civilians. It was so easy in fact that it was boring.

Hearing a hiss from the opening doors he looked in their direction, a grin immediately plastering itself on his face.

"David Shield! What an honor to meet the best innovator of this century!" He called out in a jovial tone. Two of his subordinates pushed the bespectacled man into the room, his hands firmly locked behind his back in a quirk suppressor cuffs.

"What do you want." Glaring at the villain, David kept his ground as best as he could.

"What do I want? That's a big question you know? I want freedom, like everyone else. And you will help us achieve that." The masked man replied, taking a sip from an expensive looking bottle of alcohol.

"You want freedom? At the cost of everyone else's?"

"Did you know that I wanted to be a hero once? With that too tight spandex suit and a cape blowing in the wind as I saved the day." The villain began with the scientist rolling his eyes.

"I don't need an exposition. Are you going to monologue at me now? Can't you just shoot me? Spare me the suffering?" David asked with amusement.

"Heh, you are a different man from what I imagined. But would you kindly shut the fuck up?" Wolfram replied while gesturing to one of the guards. With a swift motion the masked man to David's left hit him in the stomach, causing the scientist to crumple to the ground while gasping for air.

"Thank you. Now where was I... ah yes, heroes. Everyone laughed at me, my quirk too weak to be one. They just crushed me into the ground so I wouldn't try to have hopes and dreams like that. Now? Look over there." He said, gesturing with the bottle to the ground level where the grunt units were standing on standby. From this height they were looking like ants in a neat formation.

"I'm commanding a large force, with my band of misfits to boot. I took over the floating Tartarus in a few minutes. I'm a powerful man now, more than most heroes. Isn't that ironic?" He said, taking another sip.

"You took thousands of people hostage, just because of your bruised ego? You are an insane man." David replied after a few moments of silence.

"Maybe, maybe not. That's not what's important right now. My employer, the leader of the MLA, wants this raft under his control. That includes eggheads too, especially you." Wolfram calmly said, taking yet another sip.

"What for."

"That's well above my pay grade I'm afraid, but you can help me here while we're at it." The villain continued while reaching to the ground on the other side of the armchair that the scientist couldn't see.

"Like every good pirate would do, I looked through all of the loot that fell into my hands. Most of it was just normal, maybe a few trinkets that would be cool. But the cherry on top was something I found in the permanent storage, something that was evidently put there just to gather dust and never see the light of day again." What he had in his hands was something that resembled a circlet, with six arms reaching from the back to the front.

"How did you find this! It's supposed to be destroyed!" With wide eyes the scientist exclaimed, only after a second understanding that he made a fatal mistake.

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