Chapter 34

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Chapter 34


Okay, today's the day. She was ready, or as ready one could get. With her hands trembling from nervousness she checked her purse once more if everything was in place.

The black and gold credit card to cover any bigger expenditures - check.

A bit of money in the case that she couldn't pay with the card - check. Was two hundred thousand Yen enough? She should take a bit more to be sure…

The double permit to leave school grounds for the day - check. She was really surprised that Principal Nezu gave it to her with no questions asked and with a smile. She really needed to thank him, maybe some more rare tea would be a good 'thank you' gift?

Her outfit - check. A slightly tight, white, button up shirt with frilly sleeves and a black design on it, paired with black jeans and red shoes. Her raven black hair loose from the signature at this point ponytail, falling over her shoulders and back. It wasn't anything fancy but her mother said over the phone that it was enough. Maybe she should change into one of her dresses? No, this was the plan and she would stick with it.

Taking one more glance over everything she mustered her strength, the last part of her plan the hardest to realize. She walked out of her room, nervous with anticipation.

Getting out of the elevator she directed herself to the main doors, thankful that Mina was occupied in the living room with a few of their friends. She liked the pinkette but sometimes she was a tad bit too overbearing with her enthusiasm about gossip and relationships, now being one of these times that she knew that Mina would ask a million questions that she didn't have the time nor will to answer.

Walking up to the doors they opened to her surprise, revealing a bandaged and battered form of her smallest classmate. His eyes widened after seeing her, the small pervert even had the gall to blush from the sight.

She saw that he was taking in air to speak, probably something as loud as it was going to be inappropriate. With a swift move she slapped her hand over his mouth, her palm glowing with creation before impact.

He recoiled a bit but his yell of indignation and pain never left his lips, the courtesy of the super strong adhesive tape that now kept it shut.

Momo slowly bent to be eye to eye with the little pervert, her grey ones piercing into his soul. "You make any sound, I'll tell Zuku that you tried to molest me on one of the combat training exercises. Do you understand?" She asked in a low and threatening tone.

Mineta's eyes widened in terror, his face turning paper white. He nodded his head so hard and fast that he fell over onto his ass, scooting away from the girl in fear.

"Good boy." She said with a smile that didn't fit the situation at all, walking past the terrorized teen and out of the building.

The morning air felt nice, maybe a bit hot but that was normal for the early summer. Walking to the workshop her big friend occupied she adjusted her headband a bit. A small red tinted visor showed up over one of her eyes, informing her that Izuku still was moving about in his personal work space.

Sighing she felt that she should do something about that, her titanic friend spent so much time alone and working that she didn't even have an opportunity to see him for a few days already. Thankfully their training ended, giving her the opportunity that she decided to use.

Going once more over her plan in her head she arrived at the support course workshops, greeting Power Loader who was milling about between students that were working on some projects. A few of them looked at her strangely when she approached the restricted large gate in the hall but returned to their work after getting scolded by the teacher for getting distracted.

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