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Chapter 29


With a spray of water from the two Giants disappearing into the inky ocean, Momo and Melissa broke out of their stupor.

The three of them scattered into the surrounding rubble, the destroyed buildings from the fight just before giving them enough cover to move around their laughing opponent.

Moving out of her cover, Ochako barely managed to dodge a large steel beam that was ripped out of one of the structures around. Ducking behind a large piece of concrete she opened fire but to her chagrin the bullets stopped midair, clearly being ineffective.

Seeing the man starting to move his arm she withdrew behind the crumbling wall, just to hear her own bullets striking all around. The red headed man clearly was having fun, laughing all the time like a kid in an amusement park.

Wolfram simply continued to laugh, halting another series of bullets mid air without more than a thought. He then turned to Melissa who had leapt to punch him from behind, being stopped mid air as she struggled against his magnetic grip. "Your father has created such wonderful things only to have them collect dust. So tell me, what did he prize to have so much security for?"

"Like I'd tell you!" Melissa roared out, only to be thrown against a building.

"Maybe not without some persuasion." Wolfram pulled the armored girl out of the wall, tossing her into a small shop.

The man suddenly spun around, rebar shooting out from under him and gripping a wooden staff that Momo had made. "Hm, that was somewhat smart. Too bad I can still feel the metal in your hero costume!"

Tugging at the turbines attached to Momo's hips with his quirk, the girl was sent spinning until she crashed into Melissa getting up from the rubble.

"Mom, this is really really bad!" Luna informed her, panicking as she went over the suit's systems. "Servos and actuators are already experiencing sixty eight percent failure, power supply at twelve percent, and armor integrity is already less than twenty two percent! One of the power cells is entirely destroyed, you are losing power too fast. The Javelin wasn't made to handle these levels of magnetic forces too!"

"We just need a window!" Momo called out, making a plastic based grenade from her stomach. Tossing the hastily made device Wolfram simply made a shield of metal to protect himself. When the smoke cleared, he smirked towards the girls.

"Let's see, which of you is least important?" He looked between Momo and Melissa, metal shards hovering ominously around him.


"Argh!" Wolfram grabbed the back of his head, glaring at the one who dared throw something at him.

Ochaco had a weightless pillar in her arms, dozens of floating pieces of broken street in front of her. She smirked at him smugly, already hurdling the stones at the villain. He made a hasty sphere of metal around himself, the rocks dinging against the shield. Once the onslaught was over, he shifted the metal to make a large spear. "You have just volunteered."


The entire island shook, everyone struggling to keep their balance from the sudden shift.

"What was that?!" Melissa kept looking around to find the source. It felt like I-island just crashed into a reef.

"I don't know, I'm not connected to the island's main systems." Luna replied, using her mother's suit as the means of even seeing anything outside the Den.

A whistling noise started growing closer, Wolfram looking up to see something fastly approaching. Knight was rocketing through the air, all his weapons locked on the villain. He fired everything at once, rockets, bullets, anything to try and take out the target.

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