Chapter 40

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Chapter 40


This wasn't a day that Midoriya Inko would forget any time soon.

She was so worried when her sweet daughter gave her documents that stated she would be treated like a full fledged hero in any extreme situation that could occur. She read through those papers more than ten times over and was extremely reluctant to sign them. In the end she relented, seeing her daughter shine with happiness for the first time in years.

She was so happy for her little sunshine when she got so many wonderful friends that were so genuine.

Shield Melissa was a bit 'quirky' but was sweet and dedicated to her work. When the green haired mother learned that this young girl was a leading expert in a few areas of science she barely managed to not faint on the spot.

Yaoyorozu Momo who despite being the heiress to a whole economic empire worked so hard that she didn't have nearly any time for herself. It was a bit daunting to meet the girl's parents but Meyia turned out to be a big goofball and a softee. Even with enough money to outright buy Japan or a quirk that could probably rival All Might's own for all they knew.

"It'll be alright Inko, the big guy arrived. He'll save them." Mitsuki tried to cheer her up, hugging her from the side.

After the truth about the relationship of their children the friendship between the two became strained for a time. It was clear that both of them were blaming themselves for the outcome, Inko about being a bad mother and not seeing what was happening even with all the signs and Mitsuki for not being able to control and raise her son properly.

Today was the first day after that truth came to light that the two decided to hang out together, with Inko visiting Bakugos because she was getting extremely lonely in her small apartment after Izumi left for school.

After a rough start, the two of them somehow managed a few conversations over the tea. Even if strained, their friendship reached years back and it wasn't a bond that would break outright.

It was going surprisingly good, until Miysuki's husband called from work and told them to switch on the news. Complying, the two of them watched with wide eyes and bated breath as the greenette's daughter with her friends were fighting with their life on the line to protect people.

"Knight Izuku! That's Knight Izuku! Thanks the heavens, we are saved!" A ginger haired reporter exclaimed with relief, not that anyone would blame her.

True to that woman's words, the biggest and most intimidating friend of her daughter showed up out of nowhere just a few seconds ago. One moment the poor green haired mother was praying to any God that could hear to save her only child and her friends, the other that monster with four arms got its arm chopped off when he tried to reach the defeated heroes. An enormous sword fell from the skies with surgical accuracy, followed by its owner that didn't spare any time in engaging the surprised villain.

She wasn't proud of that, but the steel giant scared her at the beginning.

Their first meeting at the sports festival was strange, she felt as if that young man was piercing her with that large green eye, his intense staring giving Inko shivers. She felt terrible when she managed to piece together that this poor soul suffered from memory loss and that she somehow reminded him of someone.

Izumi talked about him too in their phone calls, always praising him in any way possible. He helped her daughter in controlling her quirk so she wouldn't need to hurt herself, and for just that the green haired mother was grateful.

Now she watched as the same young man fought like a veteran hero, dodging all swipes from that villain while leading him away from her daughter and the rest as they retreated into the shelter where they passed the camera crew.

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