Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Disclaimer: I do not own BNHA or any other fictional story that i my use in here.


"Weeeee!" A happy voice of a small girl could be heard in the middle of the desert late at night. With her hands outstretched to the sides Momo was having a grand time riding on top of Zuku's shoulders.

"Faster! Faster!" She yelled, causing her companion to smile a little.

"I would speed up but your body temperature is dropping a bit, the air is to cold to proceed faster." He replied to the girl. He wanted to stop a few minutes before but his little passenger had a lot of fun and to be completely honest he had a hunch that such times were far in between for the little girl.

She was too fast to offer help and trying really hard to be useful, as if nobody wanted her to do anything. If not for her high quality clothes he would suspect neglect but now his opinion leaned to the other extreme of that scale. The greenette easily connected the dots and deducted that her parents were probably treating her like a glass figurine, never allowing the little girl to do things that she really wanted.

Spotting a few larger boulders that would block the wind that was picking up, he decided to make a stop there.

"Ow... My butt hurts..." Momo said, taking a few unsteady steps and massaging her bottom.

"Well, I wasn't build to be a mount for you, little Princess." Zuku's replied with a bit of mirth, taking the makeshift seat made out of her sleeping bag from his shoulders and setting it near the large stone. Then reached to a large simple linen bag made by the ravenette and took out a bit of firewood from it.

"Umm... I need to go to the bathroom... I will just go over there ok? Don't peek!" There young girl said, starting to walk in the direction of a boulder around 15 meters away.

"Don't go to far, call me if anything happens." He replied to her, his sensors already scanning the place for potential threats.

After getting a confirmation from her and not finding anything wrong with the surroundings he returned to the task at hand.

With a small pile of sticks ready he decided to wait with starting the fire until his companion returns. Again reaching to his back he unfastened a smaller bag with a supply of the edible plant that he found earlier, he smiled a little when he remembered that Momo dubbed it the cucumber cactus.

"I'm back." The little girl announced, sitting on the bedroll. Grimacing a little she took the offered meal and started to munch on it slowly.

Zuku ordered a small amount of his Nanites to cause friction on the surface of the wood that he stacked in a small pile. It took only a few seconds to ignite, causing his companion to look in wonder at the flames that appeared out of nowhere.

"I saw you doing that already but it's just so strange how you do it... And it's all caused by friction from those little robots?" She asked, relaxing a bit in her seat.

"Yes, it's a bit of a waste but i don't have any other methods to make an open flame. I can always order them to replicate too, so in the end it isn't that bad." He replied, fastening the two bags to his back again.

"Isn't it hard to control them? I mean it looks like there is so many of them..." The ravenette asked in wonder, remembering the big dust cloud when her green friend repaired the generator.

"Well, yes and no. I don't have direct control over what they do. I just want them to do something and my meta ability makes the decision how to accomplish it. It's a bit like breathing for you, or using your quirk too." At that the black haired girl tilted her head to one side, visibly a bit confused.

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