Chapter 42

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"Fucking mech warrior wannabe! I'm going to dust him and that fucking whore of his! I'm going to turn everything that he loves into fucking ashes!" Shigaraki raged in a hospital bed as the good old professor came to examine if his injuries were healing properly.

"Now, now. I'm sure that your anger is rightful but you shouldn't move so much as of yet. It's good that Kurogiri managed to catch you into a warp gate just in time, otherwise you would have to worry about more than twenty two broken bones and some lacerations." The older man commented, checking on the monitoring equipment.

"You're lucky that Sensei wants you alive! It was your fucking toy that caused this!" Focusing on his visitor, the young villain shouted at him with bloodshot eyes.

"It was Sensei's decision to increase the power output of that weapon to sucha degree, but I agree that it shouldn't be so devastating." Not minding the sudden aggression, the bald doctor continued his work. "After reviewing the footage that was recovered, I can say with certainty that it wasn't the fault of the rail cannon. Literally a few microseconds before firing, the recoil dampener mechanism was destroyed by a few high caliber rounds. The fact that it caused the whole ship to be ripped in half is quite fascinating, even if it sets our work back quite a bit…"

Hearing that the doors to the room opened, the older man stopped his ramblings and turned his attention to the newcomer.

"Hello Tomura, how are you feeling?" All for One asked, entering the room with a smirk.

"I… I failed again… " The addressed man quietly replied, no hint of his previous anger to be seen.

"I wouldn't call that whole ordeal a complete failure, my boy." The tall, white haired man replied with a chuckle. "You lost a battle, yes. But that battle opened a few new routes not available to us before."

"It was the fault of that mech! If only he wouldn't show up… we would have recovered that Yakuza boss and his goons without an issue!" Shigaraki grumbled but was only met with yet another chuckle from his master.

"You are right. Losing such a quirk like Overhaul is quite a tragedy but not the end of the world. I fought against that mechanized hero once before and barely lived to tell the tale." AfO confessed to the younger man's disbelief.

"Y-you nearly lost? But sensei! That's not possible!"

"Well… where do you think I gained this little thing?" The white haired man asked, raising his left arm. The barely audible whine of machinery accompanied the gesture, the green and black colours shining in the artificial light of the room.

"I always thought that this was one of your quirks…" The younger man mumbled out, taking a closer look at his master's presented arm.

"Hmm… you could say that. This thing here works only because of a few quirks in my possession but it's the arm of the same individual that you refer to as the Mech Warrior, fascinating little thing." He chuckled, flexing the artificial limb a little. "I recovered it after our battle concluded, deciding that it would make quite a nice trophy." He smiled, clenching the metallic fingers into a fist. "But that's a story for another time. I am here to read some of your memories, I hope you don't mind?" Letting his prosthetic fall back to his side he directed his grin at his immobilized at the moment pupil.

"Of course! Go ahead, Sensei!" Eagerly giving his consent, Shigaraki immediately seemed to look less stressed.

Putting his flesh and blood hand on the younger man's forehead, All for One grinned slightly.

This development wasn't that bad at all.


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