Chapter 33

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Chapter 33


With a twitching ear, Mirko observed how her group of brats huddled around a white and blue robot that was maybe half a head shorter than the heroine herself. To make matters worse, the giant metal pain in her ass was standing with them too, like a massive bodyguard.

"Okay, what the fuck is this? And why is it in this group?" She snapped after a while.

"Oh, hello Tiger-Rabbit. Sorry, I didn't see you before with how short you are." The Titan greeted, causing the Rabbit heroine to grind her teeth from anger. "This is my younger sister, Luna. Say hello Luna." He continued without even giving her any time to retort.

"Hello Mirko-sensei!" The small robot happily greeted, tilting its head in a mildly cute way.

"The fuck?" The heroine eloquently asked, once more taking a look at the humanoid robot that was happily chatting with an orange haired girl about something.

"Heh, I understand your confusion. Her quirk doesn't really allow her to do things that mine does so I needed to prepare her this body myself. She spent a really long time without any limbs so she may appear a bit clumsy at times, please forgive her that." Izuku continued, walking beside her and observing how Luna was interacting with everyone.

"Hollup. What do you mean she didn't have any limbs?!" Mirko asked with a bit of shock in her voice. What in the world did those kids go through to speak about things like this so casually?

"It's mostly because of her meta ability but that's a rather long story and my time is short. Would you mind if I left Luna with you to observe the training?" The Titan asked with a surprisingly soft tone.

"I'm not a fucking babysitter you tin can!" She barked back, kicking his leg with a heavy clang of metal from her leg protectors.

"She won't get in your way, at least not on purpose." He continued, not even acknowledging the attack to the Rabbit heroine's agitation.

"She can stay here but I want a rematch! Without stupid lines on the ground and without holding back!" Mirko growled out, getting a half lidded look from the giant's one eye. Did he smile at her? It looked like that at least.

"Deal. Thanks Rumi, I really appreciate that." Izuku said, surprising the white haired woman with his words.

She was about to retort with a snide remark but a blue blur flew into the gym, getting the attention of everyone with how it blasted through the door. A girl in a blue, green and white suit came to a stop near the Titan, floating beside his 'head' on a golden spirals of energy coming from her limbs. Her long blue hair fluttered in the air, two spiraling horns on top of her head standing proudly.

"I found you Izuku-kun! Ryukyu wants to go on the patrol and is waiting near the main gate like always! Oh, hey Mirko! Is it true that you really like carrots? Is your mutation based on an albino rabbit? Do you have rabbit feet or are your boots only styled to look like that?" The newcomer started to happily shoot questions one after another at the pro heroine, who clearly didn't know how to react to the stream of words fired her way.

"I'm already done here, Nejire. Let's go, I still have that press conference in the afternoon to attend." The steel Giant said, extending his hand for his teammate to land on.

"Aww... I wanted to ask Mirko a few more things... Hey, who's that little robot there? I never saw anything like it in UA before!" The bluenette pouted but quickly changed her focus to Luna who was still conversing with a few people.

"That's my younger sister, Luna. I just asked Mirko to keep an eye on her for a bit." To Izuku's reply Nejire slapped her both cheeks, her mouth forming a big O from surprise.

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