Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Disclaimer: I do not own BNHA or any other fictional story that i my use in here.


Walking into the repair bay that he used earlier, Izuku started to clean it up a bit. He didn't make to much of a mess, but made it more comfortable to use by someone his size. Moving the large table that he used earlier back into place he heard faint footsteps coming closer, they were heavily pronounced as if the person in question wore really hard footwear.

Looking in the direction of the entry to his small temporary home, he saw a tall woman in a skin tight suit. She had long and wavy purple hair, deep blue eyes, and for some reason a thin red mask that didn't cover anything. Seeing that she had broken cuffs on her hands the green giant prepared himself slowly to catch her if need arose. The only reason he didn't do that already was because it was clear that this woman approached him for some reason, not tried to sneak away or escape.

"Oh, you are certainly a big boy up close." She started, her tone of voice unnecessarily sultry in his opinion.

"Good morning. Who could you be?" He asked curtly, wanting the conversation to move on.

"I'm Kayama Nemuri, pro heroine Midnight. I teach modern art history, and at the same time I'm responsible for media relations." She started, walking closer to Izuku and looking him over. For some reason it was rather strange for the giant that this woman just like that walked up to him, nostalgic even.

"The principal asked me to try and make your appearance less intimidating and militaristic. I must say that your current green and black coloring is in a quite good taste, but for general populace you would look like a war machine more than a hero and we can't have that." Continuing, the older woman started to glide one of her fingertips along one of his armor plates.

"... But I like green." The giant mumbled, still following with his eye after what that woman was doing.

"I can see that, but we will need more colors to give you a friendly vibe. It would be good if those big weapons over on your top could be taken off too." She was about to continue but Izuku didn't let her.

"My combat efficiency rating would drop significantly without any ranged weaponry." He stated firmly.

Midnight wasn't perturbed, but non the less surprised. "I didn't mean permanently, just for your day to day life. Even Snipe puts away his revolver once in a while." She tried to argue.

Kneeling down on one knee, Izuku looked at his guest a bit closer. For some reason the small detail that she had a beauty mark under her left eye caught his attention. Looking her over the giant saw that a sly smile appeared on her face.

"Well, it's the first time a student of mine gave me so much attention. You like what you are seeing, big guy?" The heroine spoke seductively, even striking a bit of a pose.

"You seem... Familiar. As if I met you before." He replied, more concentrated on that strange familiarity feeling that on her actions.

"I'm fairly certain that meeting someone like you couldn't be forgotten." She booped him in the chest plate saying that.

Pulling a bit away from her touch, his big green eye looked away. Two sets of four lights on each side of the mono optic lighted up, displaying a holographic picture just beside the surprised woman. "Are you sure? I was looking like that before." His voice was soft, but with a bit of hope mixed in.

Looking over the construct made of light, Midnight was deeply impressed by the details it showed. The current generation holo projectors were just gimmicks really, they displayed something that was called a 2.5 D screen that gave the illusion of a hologram. What she was saying before her eyes was an honest to God 3D representation of a human body.

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