Chapter 31

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Chapter 31


"Damn it all! Why did I even think that making a bet with Nezu is a good idea?!" A white haired woman with rabbit-like ears exclaimed angrily, in her hand a small list of students that she would need to take under her tutelage. She and one more pro heroine were sitting in a lounge, waiting for the start of the lessons.

"It isn't going to be that bad, you have that green haired girl that was in third place and the one from second place too." A slightly older blonde woman with metallic ornament on her hair replied, her yellow reptilian eyes quickly scanning all the names on the piece of paper

"But it's going to be so fucking boring! There's no way any one of those brats could spare with me even semi seriously! I will just stand there and correct their sloppy forms all day!" Mirko barked back to her colleague, clearly not intending to stop any time soon.

Sighing deeply, Tatsuma Ryuko looked at her own invitation. Only one name was under the listed students that she would have to teach, one that she didn't even consider.

"For fucking fuck's sake! I'm stuck with those brats and you got Him?! That's unbelievable! What are you even going to teach him?" The white haired woman looked livid after seeing her colleague's list, one of her ears twitching violently.

"I don't know myself... he won with you so easily it's strange they even want him to participate in this program." The blonde replied, the other woman growling like a rabbit dog after that statement.

"It was a fluke! I could kick his shiny metal ass without a problem! It's stupid to just end the fight because of some line on the ground! If that fight was real he wouldn't stand a chance!" Mirko once more exclaimed, punching her palm for emphasis.

"Yeah, right. Both of us know that he was holding back in a major way, even opting to just toss you out of the ring instead of taking any risks at injuring you." The dragon hero replied.

"Bulshit! I'll take him down, just you watch!"

"Ahem." A squeaky voice interrupted their conversation, making them both look in the direction of the doors. Nezu in all his glory stood there with a mischievous smile on his face, or what could go as one on this strange chimera anyway. "I see that you are really eager to start teaching, Usagiyama-kun. I would appreciate it if you wouldn't 'take down' any of my students while trying to teach them thought."

"Good morning principal Nezu. It's good to see you in good health." The dragon heroine replied after a few seconds while bowing her head a bit.

"Ah, thank you Tatsuma-kun. We didn't talk for quite a while, how have you been after graduation? I've been following your heroic career and it's warming my heart how good of a heroine you are."

"I've been doing my best." She said with a small smile. "Can I ask you what is expected of me today? I'm sorry but I fail to see any reason I would be assigned to someone like Knight, he is quite a fighter already if that exhibition match with Mirko can be taken as a benchmark."

"Well, the situation with our honor student is quite different. I won't divulge anything personal but it needs to be said that he didn't have any real opportunity to engage with our heroic system. He was fighting for his survival nearly all the time that he spent in America, that's why his outlook on things may seem a bit too serious for someone his age." The white furred chimera started, motioning for the two to follow. They did just that, exchanging a few glances at the new information. "I would like to ask you to show him firsthand how our brand of heroism works, allow him to experience a bit of normalcy outside of those walls."

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