Chapter 38

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Chapter 38


"Aren't you getting tired at all?" Melissa asked her green haired friend that was diligently going through repetitive motions of handstand push-ups.

"347… It's not that… 348… hard when you… 349… get used to it." Izumi replied with little difficulty, still going strong with the exercise.

"I think that your quirk has some passive effects on your organism. That's rather fascinating." The blonde mused, returning her attention to the soldering iron in hand. With precise and practiced movements she located the damaged components on the circuit board she was repairing and started to take them out.

"368… hehe… 369… the next thing we know… 370… I'll look like… 371… All Might…" The greenette laughed.

Stopping with her movements for a few seconds, Melissa slowly turned to her friend. "Didn't you have problems with your clothes not so long ago? They suddenly got too small, right?" She asked.

Finishing with the exercise, Izumi nimbly got to her feet and took a swig from a water bottle. "I mean, yeah. But it was because I hit my growth spurt or something, not because of the quirk." The greenette replied with a smile.

"If you say so… " The blonde inventor hummed to herself. "It would suck if I was the shortest from us three."

A loud knock on the door to the trailer they were in brought a stop to the conversation. Being the one closer to the door, Izumi opened them just to reveal the hero that was their superior.

"Here you are, Suit up! We are going out with the police!" A rather plain looking, brown haired young man ordered, leaning into the trailer and looking around. "Did any of you see Princess? She wasn't at her dorm." He asked.

"Momo decided to do a few more rounds, she has a lot more stamina than us mortals." Melissa shouted from beyond her workstation, already putting on her undersuit. "System, connect to Momo." She ordered with a blip of affirmation from the powered computer beside her.

"I'm a bit busy right now, Mel." Momo's voice resounded after only a few seconds, the noise of rushing wind and sirens clear in the background.

"Princess, what is your current location?" The brown haired man asked, walking closer to the computer. In any other situation he would marvel at the sci-fi like surroundings but it wasn't the time for that. Also, there was a minor girl changing just beside him, so looking around wouldn't be a good idea.

"Crawler-san? I'm currently moving northeast from the old warehouse area near the docks. I was just attacked by a villain but managed to lose him when I took to the rooftops. I'm closing in on the large explosions in the boulevard, any suggestions?" The young heiress asked, in the background the loud noise of her jump kit could be hard from time to time.

"The three of you are going to be the death of me… Are you hurt? Any injuries?" Gripping the bridge of his nose with his fingers, the young man let out a long suffering sigh.

"Negative. I have a civilian with me that is in need of help though. Nothing serious but she needs attention. A young girl, around 5 years old. The villain I mentioned earlier was trying to capture her before I stepped in."  Momo reported, causing the pro hero in charge of them to sigh once more. To the two girls in the room that were already ready to go he looked nearly as tired as Aizawa on his better days.

"Avoid the action area for now, we will be there in around 5 minutes. We will contact you and go from there then, don't get into trouble." He said, tugging on his hood that looked similar to Izumi's cowl.


"You two are ready?" He asked the blonde and the greenette, getting two nods in return. "Good, prepare for heavy lifting. There already are reports about collapsed buildings and trapped civilians." He continued, looking over Melissa's armor. "Ironheart, remember that you are heavy in that. Some buildings could have suffered structural failures, so be exceptionally careful." He said, moving to the exit with the two in tow.

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