Chapter 14

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Chapter 14 Disclaimer: I do not own BNHA or any other fictional story that i my use in here.


Walking into the U.A stadium, the current #6 ranked heroine Mirko wasn't pleased at all. She knew that with the incoming confrontation between the M.L.A and the rest the world all hands will be needed on deck, but for them to train the upstarts from school was inconceivable, even from U.A. Of course they would be only drafted into the defense forces, but if by some chance the enemy reached them it would be practically the end. The rabbit hero agreed to participate in the training only because the officials from H.C.I didn't take no for an answer.

"Cheer up Thumper, I'm sure it won't be that bad." A blonde and laid back man said to her, on his back a set of beautiful wings with red feathers.

"Fuck of Chicken, we are only wasting time in here." She scoffed, not liking the nickname.

"I wouldn't be so sure, there are a few quite promising individuals in there. We have the first quirkless hero student, Endeavor's kid and from a sure source I know that there is a last minute addition to the first years in heroics that is a literal giant." Pro hero Hawks replied, starting to follow after her into the spectator seats.

"The bigger they are, the harder they fall. If he is just huge I don't see anything special about him." She said, already getting irritated even more about getting stuck there for the whole sport festival

"Apparently he was the one that massacred those M.L.A robots that assaulted his class in the U.S.J incident. Even if those toasters were weak, the reports stated that there were around 450 of them and all were torn to shreds." He said, smiling at her reaction.

"Why didn't you say that from the start? Do you think they will let me test him a bit? I will freaking die of boredom if I will need to seat on my ass for a half of the day." Mirko said, one of her tall rabbit ears twitching a bit.

"Please don't attack any students on live TV, maybe a small sparring match could be arranged but you need to go through Nezu." Hawks replied, seeing the rabbit heroine deflate.

"Ugh... I hate that rat. He's always right and that's just infuriating." She mumbled, seating in her designated place. The winged hero sat beside her, stretching his legs forward.

"That's what happens when you are the smartest living organism on the planet. I personally respect that guy, to be able to achieve so much from where he started is insane. If he would be on the other side of the coin all of us would be dead or under his rule." Hawks said nonchalantly, causing his rabbit neighbor to shiver from the thought.

"How long until this boring thing starts?" Mirko asked, already getting impatient from seating in place.

"15 minutes, they are just ending the security sweep." A sudden vice from behind them caused the two to jump. Ranked as the 5th hero in Japan, Edgeshot lived up to his ninja reputation and without any problems sneaked into his seat just behind them.

"Jesus Christ man, don't do that. I have a weak heart." The winged hero said, settling down after getting scared.

"How even are you able to do that? My hearing is a few magnitudes better than that of a baseline human and I still wasn't able to hear you coming." Mirko asked, more curious than frightened.

"... I just used my quirk." He replied lamely, causing the rabbit heroine to nearly face plant into the concrete barrier before her.

"So how was your trip to the states?" Hawks asked nonchalantly, getting a raised eyebrow from Mirko.

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