Chapter 25

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With a powerful explosion, the steel giant's optical sensors were nearly overloaded from the intense flash of light in front of him.

= Warning! Large energy signature detected!=

=Directive 0 'Keep her safe.'=

Reacting by instinct, Izuku immediately ordered his meta ability to construct a weapon. In a flash of green light a 30mm rotary cannon was assembled in his grasp, already spinning up. Not waiting for the potential opponent to make the first move, relying on all the other readings he took aim even before the dust cleared out.

With the surprisingly intact ventilation system kicking in, the thick cloud of smoke and dust started to clear out. His eye widened when he saw a figure similar to his own in the center of a shallow crater that was in the place of Hatsume's device. Beyond his shield the workshop was wrecked, all the equipment looked torn apart by extreme forces that were stopped by the barrier. The newcomer was inactive for a few more seconds, but suddenly his eye and three targeting cameras snapped to the gun the steel giant was aiming at him.

In a familiar looking flash of light a weapon constructed itself in the hands of the new Titan, his eye turning slowly to a red color with an audible hum of power.

Seeing that the potential enemy started targeting the cockpit where Momo was shielded, Izuku poured even more energy into his systems. His top mounted arms rose up with another two weapons appearing, completing his full combat mode. For a few seconds nothing happened, the only sounds in the room were the powerful hum of the red eye and the shrill of now two Gatling cannons ready to unleash a devastating stream of bullets.

Witnessing the surprising situation from inside her friend, Momo decided to break the stalemate. "You are trespassing on private property, put down your weapons and identify yourself immediately!" She ordered, with her voice being clearly transmitted outside.

"Hatsume! Shield! What is happening, who is this?!" A female voice sounded from the new giant, clearly agitated and not intending to follow the instructions from the raven haired girl.

"Hatsume, did you make this thing? Either shut it down or we'll do it ourselves!" The second Titan called out again, the weapon in its hands still trained on Izuku. One of its cameras looked in the direction of the two dumbfounded girls, focusing for a second on the lifeless form of Mei in the arms of Izumi.

"What did you do to her?" It asked once more, the weapon that it was holding started to hum in a similar way its eye already was.

"That's Ion! How in the world?!" Melissa shouted more to herself than anyone in the room. Izumi, not knowing what to do, still held the unconscious Mei who looked like a panda with the bags under her eyes from lack of sleep.

"Izuku, take it easy. Please lower your weapon!" The blonde inventor tried to deescalate the situation, at the same time signaling to the greenette to get out of the workshop with Hatsume.

"No/No." Both Titans replied simultaneously surprising her, especially with the now identified Ion class speaking for the first time in a male voice.

"What's going on here?!" One of the teachers ran into the devastated room, immediately taking note that there was one steel giant too many.

"Vlad-sensei? Get that robot to stand down!" Once more the new arrival said, with one of the cameras focusing on the blood hero.

"Calm down everyone! This certainly has a good explanation! Let's just talk it out!" Melissa tried to interfere once more but the 1-B homeroom teacher used his quirk to drag her back to the entrance.

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