Sick Day

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September 3, 2020
Fuck. Something is really loud. I woke up next to JJ in our bed, immediately racing to the window to see what was going on. It was just a construction crew? But why is it so loud? I think my stumbling woke JJ up: "Y/N? What's wrong, baby? What's out there, why are you standing at the window?"

I pressed my hand against my forehead and said, "Ugh.. uhhh, it— it's just some construction guys. The noise is making my head pound, though." My head felt like a bowling ball and I could hear my pulse. I pinched the bridge of my nose and felt like I was gonna faint.

JJ sat up and patted a spot on the bed next to her, "Baby come over here. Come sit down." I slowly trudged over to her and carefully sat on the edge of the bed, trying not to fall over. She pressed the back of her hand to my forehead and sighed, "You're burning up, Y/N/N, is it just your head that hurts?"

"No, my legs feel really weak too. And I do feel hot but my hands are cold."

"Your voice is starting to get a little raspy, too. I think you might be coming down with something; you should probably stay home toda—"

"No! No, nope. I have a case file to write up and Hotch put it on my desk a week ago and I don't want to sit on it anymore, I have to finish it today."

"You cannot go in today, babe, ok? You're gonna get everyone sick!"

"Okay, well what if I just go in to finish the write-up? I'll be done by 10:00 and then I'll come home." JJ gave in, realizing it would do no good to argue anymore. I took two ibuprofens to nurse my headache and other muscle pains, and we both left for work about an hour later.

My condition was noticeable to almost everyone in the bullpen as soon as I walked through the glass doors. Emily's eyes almost burst out of their sockets, "Woah! You look like shit. Are you sick or something?"

Morgan observed, "Well that's a stupid fucking question, Prentiss, of course she's sick."

Morgan's comment caused Reid to promptly open his desk drawer and pull out surgical gloves, a medical grade fask mask, and a face shield. In a panic, he asked "What are you doing here if you're sick?!"

"Relax, Reid, I'm only staying for a couple hours."

"Indoor airborne pathogens have been known to travel as fast a professional sports car. Are you a PhD or aren't you a PhD?!"

"Okayyy watch it, pipe cleaner. I'm just grabbing a case file and then I'm going to work in JJ's old liaison office with the door closed and far away from you. So calm down, doctor." I shuffled over to my desk, once again careful not to fall, and then met JJ in her old office.

"Are you sure you're gonna be fine in here, Y/N?"

"I promise I'll be all right, Jay. It'll only be a couple hours and then I'll let you know when I'm heading home."

"Actually Hotch told me to go with you, so we're outta here together."

"Normally I'd be excited about that, but right now all I wanna do is crash in bed and not wake up for several days."

With a chuckle, she booped my nose and said, "And I will happily join you in doing so," before leaving me alone in the office.

Two hours later
[Y/N- 9:43] I'm done with the file, love. Just dropped it off in Hotch's office. Meet you in the lobby in 5?

[JJ - 9:44] yay!! i'll see you in a few 😘

JJ and I walked out to the parking lot together, hand in hand. She drove us back to our apartment, stopping at CVS along the way to pick up the bare necessities when sick: orange juice, cough drops, Advil, lavender oil, and a family size bag of Cheetos. We rode the elevator up to our floor, and immediately changed into our perspective PJs. JJ wore silk shorts and an oversized Georgetown T-shirt, and I fancied grey sweatpants paired with a white tanktop. Our comfort level was maxed out. I climbed into bed and JJ brought in some extra pillows and blankets for me. She disappeared into the kitchen for a while, but returned a few minutes later carrying a tray with orange juice, a piece of toast, two bananas, and another ibuprofen since mine were starting to wear off. She set the tray on our nightstand and then leaned over, pressing a lingering kiss on my forehead.

"Hmm you're still pretty warm," she pointed at the cup of juice that was sitting a few inches from my shoulder, "Make sure you drink this."

I jokingly responded, "Yes, mommy." The phone started ringing from the living room, and she rolled her eyes going to answer it. I heard her pick up and could faintly hear the conversation:

"Will?.... Hey slow down, slow down... what's wrong? Henry what?"

A/N: hey guysss are we liking this so far lol? this is my first fic ever so let me know if there are areas I can improve in :) i will definitely try to update this as much as possible, once a day? once every two days? im sure that time frame will fall apart eventually lmao but we'll see!

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