Strange Fruit

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August 23, 2021
T-Minus four days until JJ is ready to pop. She's felt ready for a couple weeks now— but the finish line is definitely close enough to touch at this point. Last weekend, I finally finished transforming our guest bedroom into a nursery. I painted the back wall, assembled multiple pieces of furniture, and set up all the extra decor that JJ wanted. I was very happy with how it turned out.

Before I left for work today, I went into the nursery to finish straightening out the crib and leave all the final touches

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Before I left for work today, I went into the nursery to finish straightening out the crib and leave all the final touches. I heard JJ waddling down the hall toward me. Leaning against the doorframe, she said "I'm gonna miss coming in here every once in a while and watching you set up the room... it was always entertaining, seeing you try to put furniture together."

I got up off the floor and sat down in the rocking chair, "I've said it before and I'll say it again: If I could take down the furniture that used to be in here, then I sure as hell can put new furniture in. And look," I motioned around the room, "I did it."

She walked over to me and ran her hand through my hair, "You sure did. It looks great." She kissed my forehead as I ran my hand over her belly.

I leaned toward it and whispered, "Hi baby boy, mommy and I can't wait to meet you... your brothers are very excited too. Mommy's very tired of being pregnant so if you wanted to come out a little early I'm sure she wouldn't be opposed to that."

JJ giggled, "Haha, I most definitely would not be opposed to that. Don't pressure him, though." I stood up and gave her a kiss before gathering my things for work.

Before I walked out the door, JJ waddled over to me and handed me a little sack, "Here you go, baby, I made you lunch for today"

"Ooo what is it?"

"I'm not gonna tell you, be surprised!" I rolled my eyes and then gave her a quick peck on the lips before leaving for Quantico. I've been doing the commute by myself the last few weeks and it's been exhausting. Fifty minutes in the car alone without JJ is harder than it should be. I was grateful to finally arrive at the BAU and have company again. I hung my backpack over my desk chair and set my lunchbag down on my desk.

Emily sidled up behind me, "What's in the bag?"

I jumped, "Jesus, Em! Why do you have to sneak up on me like that?!... It's my lunch, JJ made it for me."

Mockingly she said, "Aww, do you like when mommy takes care of you?"

I gave her the death stare, "I hope you choke on your lunch today."

Before Emily could give me some witty response back, Hotch called us from the walkway "We have a case."

As Emily and I started walking up toward him, I panicked "Sir, umm a-a case? I-I'm not sure I'm comfortable traveling when JJ is so close to—"

Hotch interrupted, "The case is local, Y/N, it shouldn't be a problem... unless it still is?"

"No, um, that should be fine. Sorry, sir." Emily, Reid, Morgan, Hotch, Garcia, and I congregated in the roundtable room to discuss the case.

He instructed, "Emily, Reid, and Y/N I want you guys to assess the crime scene, Rossi will meet you there. Morgan, I want you to stay here with me and Garcia." He dismissed us so we walked out of the bullpen with Garcia. We saw Rossi exiting the elevator onto our floor. Garcia asked him, "Where are you going?"

"I got your text."

Garcia put her hand on his shoulder and directed him back into the elevator, "I love you very much, but you need to read more than just the first sentence. The case is like 5 miles away."

"What the hell happened?"

"Y/N will fill you in. It's-it's crazy town."

Before she walked away, I kept the doors of the elevator open and called her back, "Garcia, wait!" She turned back around so I continued, "Will you keep an extra eye out in case JJ calls... about anything? I might be swamped with the case and I'm afraid I'll miss her if she calls."

She winked, "Sure thing, pumpkin. If she doesn't call I'll check in with her anyway for you."

"You're the best— thanks, P." I closed the elevator and we left for the crime scene location. Emily pulled the SUV up to a fairly large house in suburban Virginia. A CSI worker directed us to the backyard, where several tents were set up and deep holes were scattered around the ground. A water main burst on the street last night and, during the repair, a crew found two dead bodies in this residents' backyard. The remains were laid out on a table that we were escorted to.

As we were putting our gloves on, Reid asked the CSI woman, "Have you been able to determine approximate time of death yet?"

"Well, the degree of decomposition and bone pitting suggests these women were killed about 10 years ago— they look to be about 30-years-old."

I inquired, "Do you know what killed them?"

"Like I thought, they were beaten to death, but there is one other thing. Condition of the pelvic bones suggested mutilated genitalia."

Emily examined the body and asked, "Have you obtained a DNA sample?"

"Yes, a sample was sent to the lab. We should get the results back in an hour or so."

I turned to Reid, "I'll call Hotch and update him." I dialed Hotch and gave him all the info we just received. I told him we'd stay at the house with the CSI crew and wait for the DNA results. He was fine with that.

I turned around and walked back to Emily who asked, "Have they made any progress over there?"

"Uh Hotch said they're questioning all three residents, but nothing conclusive yet." About an hour and a half later, we got the DNA results from the lab. I called Hotch back for updates.

He picked up, "What have you got?"

"Sir, I've got Reid here with me, we just got the DNA results back from one of the female victims."

Reid joined in, "Her name is Mary Ann Beck. She went missing 10 years ago. According to Garcia she's also a high school classmate of Lyle's."

"Did they know each other?"

I went on, "Can't tell. We haven't found a direct connection to the house yet."

Hotch instructed, "All right, tear his room apart. If Lyle's got secrets, we need to know what they are."

I replied, "Right away, sir," before hanging up. As Reid and I were walking up the stairs I got another call.

I took my phone out and Reid asked, "Who is it?"

"It's Garcia again, she must have something else for us," I picked up, "What's up, PG?"

"Y/N, JJ's in labor."
A/N- this chapter contains dialogue from Season 9, Episode 9- "Strange Fruit" :)

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