Get In Loser, We're Going Shopping

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September 6, 2020
Michael and I were both good as new when JJ got home. She was very emotional— apparently this case was a rough one. Whenever kids are involved JJ gets especially shaken but I don't blame her, I'm the same way. She spent a solid two hours playing with Michael and reading to him and other motherly duties. I called Will and told him to bring Henry over, too. The boys stayed the night and we also spent the following day together. I know it made JJ feel better, but things were still pretty fresh so I suggested we spend a day together, as a couple, for self-care without the boys.

"How're you feeling, Jen?" I said while walking over to the couch carrying two mugs of tea. JJ was curled up in one of my sweatshirts.

"Better. Seeing the boys here when I got back really helped. I really h— I hate cases with kids."

I pulled her into my side and she rested her head on my chest, "I know you do, babe."

"It just takes a certain kind of evil to hurt a child, it really does." She sipped on her tea, letting the warm liquid sink into her stomach and calm her. I lightly ran my fingers through her hair while telling her what a good agent and mother she is, and how much strength it takes to go through what we go through. We sat in comfortable silence for a few minutes before I reached over to the coffee table, grabbing the remote.

"Do you wanna watch something funny to forget about the pain, or something sad to let the sadness drain out?" She thought about it for a second, and then looked up at me with her beautiful eyes.

"Mmmm... funny. Oooo put on The Hangover!" I let out a little laugh at her newfound excitement and then obeyed her command. We stayed on the couch all day, only getting up to use the bathroom or acquire more snacks. We watched Bridesmaids to get more laughs in, followed by The Lion King. Nostalgia cures the soul. She was lying horizontally across the couch with her head in my lap while I was still sitting up. I wanted to treat JJ to one last thing for the day, so I pulled out the fail-safe.

Lifting her chin up so she was looking at me, I propositioned, "Hey... how bout I call Pen and tell her to take you shopping downtown. I'll give you my card— my treat. Get anything you want." She bit her lip smiling.


"Yeah, you deserve it," I leaned down to kiss her, "You deserve everything."

"Okay, I'll go get dressed!" She practically sprinted into our bedroom like a teenager. I pulled my phone out to call Garcia.

"Hey Pen, it's Y/N."

"Hey pumpkin, how is my sweet JJ?"

"She's doing much better, in fact she has the energy of a 16 year-old right now because I told her to go on a shopping spree... with you... tell me you're free? Please? Not that I don't love my girlfriend to death and want to be in her company, I just thought sh—"

"Can you please stop talking so I can say YES?! Are you kidding, do you know me at all? I'd never say no to a shopping spree, my sweet. I'll be over faster than I can hack Morgan's Tumblr!"

I yelled out to JJ who was still getting ready, "Babe! Pen's on her way!" When there was no response, I got up to the bedroom see if she needed any help. "You doing okay?"

She shouted to me from inside our closet, "In here!"

"Pen's on her way, you need any help?" She was half naked, trying to decide on what to wear.

"Which top?" I pointed to the one on the left, blue is her color. I gave her ass a squeeze just for the fun of it before leaving the closet and sitting on the edge of the bed. A couple minutes later she walked out, ready to go.

"Aww you look so cute, baby," she ruffled my hair at that before going to put her phone and makeup in her purse. I almost forgot to give her my card. "Oh! Here Jayje," I pulled out my credit card and handed it to her, "take this one."

"A black, platinum credit card? How the fuck did you qualify for this and where was I?"

I just shrugged and smiled at her, "Haha, good credit I guess." She chuckled and put the card in her wallet before giving me a kiss and heading out the door to meet Garcia outside.

Four hours later
I was sitting on our bed watching Friends when I heard the keys jingle in the front lock. I muted the TV and let out a breath when I heard it was just JJ coming back.


"Bedroom!" I saw her through the doorway put down her purse and at least 8 shopping bags. She was still carrying one when she walked into the bedroom, though. I swung my legs over the side of the bed and sat on the edge. She made her way over to me, immediately pressing her lips to mine. "What was that for?"

"Just a thank you for today. And all the days," she smiled and kissed me again, "I have the best girlfriend." I drifted my eyes down to the lone bag she brought with her.

"What's in there, babe?"

"Oh.. umm— something I got for you."

"Baby you didn't have to get me anything, this was supposed to be about y—" My words got caught in my throat when I saw what she was pulling out of the bag: a silicone dildo and a leather harness to go with it.

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