Celebrations [smut]

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mature content! vaginal fingering

"JJ, you're the love of my life. I love you more than anyone's ever loved a woman. I can't imagine being with anyone else and I don't want to. You make me want to be a better person and you are the one who I want to spend the rest of my life with... I want to share a future with you, and Henry, and Michael, and give you the endless love you deserve. Will you let me? Will you marry me, Jennifer Jareau?"

She nodded her head up and down rapidly, "Yes! Yes, of course I'll marry you!" I stood up and wrapped my arms around her, picking her up as we held each other close.

"Good now I can give you this!" I opened up the ring box that I'd been holding and took the ring out. I placed it on her finger and it was a perfect fit.

"Oh, Y/N, it's beautiful," she placed both her hands on the sides of my face and said, "Just like you." We stayed on the roof for a while longer, admiring the view of the Potomac River and appreciating each other's company. I sent a text to Garcia and Emily, letting them know how everything went. After about 30 minutes or so, we walked through the door and started heading back downstairs. I unlocked our door and brought JJ over to the couch. We cuddled up next to each other for a while until Garcia and Emily came up. I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in!" The door opened and Garcia ran inside first.

"There they are, my favorite wives!"

JJ chuckled and we stood up, "We're not married yet, Garcia"

"But you will be! Soon! You know what that means right? Family wedding! This the most exciting thing that's happened since Emily came back from the dead!"

Emily spoke up, "I agree, that was pretty badass of me... but congratulations you guys!" She wrapped all four of us up in a group hug.

We each pulled away but I stayed close to JJ with my arm wrapped around her, "Thanks, Em, couldn't have done it without you."

Garcia was still full of energy, "JJ! JJ! Let me see the ring!" She held her hand out and showed them. Penelope swooned over it, "Wow it's stunning! Great job, Y/N," I reached my hand over to Emily and she gave me a fist bump. I heard our apartment intercom buzz and knew it must be Will and the boys.

JJ asked, "Who's that?"

I jogged over to buzz them in, "You'll see..." A few minutes later they made their way upstairs and burst through the door.

Simultaneously they ran towards JJ yelling, "Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!" She knelt down to catch them and almost tumbled over when they came in contact with her. Overwhelmed with excitement, Henry asked, "Did you say yes? Did you? Did you?"

"Haha of course I did, Hen, how could I say no?" Henry jumped up cheering and threw himself into my arms while Michael wrapped himself around my legs. Our house was so full of love I thought it might explode. Garcia and Emily left not long after the boys got there, and JJ and I stayed up with them for a while after that. They were so happy about our engagement and were already talking about what their roles would be in the wedding. Before they got too hyped up, JJ told them to change into their PJs and I put them to bed. As I was tucking Henry in he asked me a question, "Hey... momma?"

"What is it, bud?"

"Are you gonna stay with my mom? You're-you're not gonna leave her like my dad did? Because they got married and he—he still left..."

I sighed and sat down on his bed, "Henry you know I think your dad is a great guy, but what he did to your mom was very wrong and no, I don't plan on hurting her like that. I don't plan on hurting her at all. I just want her to be happy, like you do."

"Because you love her, right?"

"More than I love myself." He seemed content and I kissed him goodnight before leaving his room. I walked out into the hallway and found JJ leaning up against the wall bordering Henry's room. I almost walked right into her.

"Woah! Hey... whatcha doin out here?"

"Oh nothing, maybe I was eavesdropping on the conversation you were having with our son. Just maybe..."

I wrapped my arms around her waist, "Oh is that so?"

"Mmmhmm... do you really love me that much?"

"I really, really do. However much you think I love you— I promise you it's more." She leaned forward and pulled me in for a kiss before starting to drag me into our bedroom, "What do you say we celebrate our engagement, hmm?"

"Mmm and how do you suggest we do that?"

She closed the bedroom door behind her and pushed me against it, staring to tug at the bottom of my shirt, "I think I have a few ideas..." She pulled off my shirt and started on the zipper of my pants. I reached over and started to undress her down to an equal level. She pushed me backward until my knees hit the edge of the bed and I fell onto it. She hovered over me and started kissing on my neck. I moved to the head of the bed a little more and rested against the pillows. She crawled forward to meet me before reaching around to unhook my bra. It fell off my shoulders and she immediately leaned down to take a nipple in her mouth.

"Mmmm, Jayje!"

She flicked her tongue over my nipple before tilting her head up to say, "What is it Mrs. Jareau? Have a request?"

I breathed out, "Fuck me! Please, baby!"

She started sliding her finger from the center of my chest, over my abdomen, right above my center: "Do you want me inside, baby? Is that what you want?" I let out a throaty moan as she started to rub her middle finger around my clit.

"Shhh, the boys are down the hall... you have to be quiet." She moved her fingers down to run them over my pussy, "Fuck you're so wet for me, baby," she pushed two fingers into me and I let out a whimper, "Mmm, is that good? Is that how you like it, Y/N?"

"Harder... I want it harder, Jay!" She came up and pulled an earlobe between her teeth as her fingers thrust in and out of me harder than they had been before. When she hit a particularly deep spot I screamed out.

She mumbled against my ear, "Mmm that sounded good, baby, did I hit a good spot?" When I felt her starting to grind against me and moan into my ear, I looked down as saw that she was riding her own fingers using her other hand while staying propped up on her knees and continuing to fuck me.

"Fuck, JJ, that's so hot..."

"I can't help it," she bit down on my neck, "the sounds you're making are so sexy... you turn me on so bad, you got me so wet"

"F-fuck JJ, I-I'm close!"

"Cum for me, Y/N, let me cum with you and feel you clench around my fingers, baby, come on..." Her words pushed me over the edge as we came together, breathing and panting hard. She collapsed on top of me after we both calmed down, and I pulled the covers over us so she wouldn't get cold.

She yawned in my ear, "Well that was fun... took a lot out of me though"

I stroked her hair and said, "Haha I agree... does that mean you want to stop celebrating?"

She looked up at me and placed a kiss on the tip of my nose, "When did I say that?" We went a few more rounds and finally fell asleep around midnight. We couldn't wait to tell the rest of the team about our engagement and start planning our wedding.

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