Love Bites

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TW: throwing up

May 29, 2021
I woke up very suddenly when I realized I never heard our alarm go off. Picking up my head and leaning on my elbow, I looked over at the clock, 6:03. I only overslept three minutes— that's good. I breathed a sigh of relief but jumped again when I felt JJ wrap her arms around me and bury her nose in my neck.

She kissed my ear, "Good morning Y/N"

I reached my hand back at tangled it in her hair, "Good morning, darling. We slept in a little, huh?"

"No, I got up a little before 6 so I turned the alarm off... I thought I'd wake you up in a better way." She continued kissing the tender skin on my neck and shoulder.

"Mmm well hearing your voice is certainly better than hearing the alarm," I rolled over to face her and placed my hand on her belly, "Are you feeling okay?"

"You mean about last night or just in general?"


"I loved last night... and I feel all right this morning, so far"

I yawned, "You ready to get up, babe?"

She giggled, "Yeah but it doesn't look like you are"

I sat up and threw the covers back, "Ugh I'm not... doesn't matter though, we have to get to work" I swung my legs over the side of the bed and walked around to help JJ get up. We shuffled into the bathroom, turned on the lights, and stood at our sinks to get ready for the day. JJ was fine for the first few minutes— she washed and moisturized her face with no trouble— but got nauseous as soon as her toothbrush touched her tongue. She dropped it into the sink and stepped over to the toilet, kneeling in front of it. I put down what I was holding and rushed over to her, holding her hair up and rubbing her back.

"Let it out, Jayje, it's ok... it's ok''

She eventually sat back up and groaned, "Ugh, sorry Y/N, I know it's gross"

"Don't apologize, JJ. I'm here to help, not judge" I helped her back up and watched her slowly finish the rest of her routine. By the time we got dressed she felt perfectly fine again. We ate breakfast and JJ grabbed banana for the road, along with her signature bottle of ginger ale. About 30 minutes into the drive JJ pulled down her sun visor in the car and looked in the mirror of it as she applied a fresh coat of lip balm.

She glanced to the side and something caught her eye, "Oh shit"

"What is it?"

"I have a hikey on my neck..."

"Damn it, really? Sorry, I'm usually more careful... at least you have your hair down today"

"Yeah it should be fine, don't worry about it" We pulled into the lot at Quantico about 20 minutes later and headed up to the BAU. I could tell JJ was in a much better mood today, and I was fairly certain it was because of last night.

When we sat down at our desks, Emily noticed it too, "Having a good morning, JJ?"

Morgan winked, "Or a good night maybe?"

JJ smiled, "As usual, that's none of your business Derek"

"Ah look at that smile though," he looked at me, "Good night, right?" I just rolled my eyes and went on with my work, encouraging everyone else to do the same. I ran out of coffee about an hour later, so I got up and walked over to the machine to make more. Garcia happened to be over there as well.

I poured some coffee into my mug and said, "Good morning, Penny G" I turned around and leaned against the counter, standing next to her as she stared into the bullpen while sipping her tea.

"Morning, sugarplum. I guess last night went well?"

"How'd y- who said we—"

"Oh please, I knew about it the minute I saw that hickey on JJ's neck."

"You can see it?"

"Honey, I'm pretty sure she wants us to. I've counted seven hair flips in the last three minutes— she's showing it off. Must have been one hell of a 'talk.'"

"If you must know, it was a very heartfelt talk... which just happened to result in sex. And after three weeks without it I think it's very justifiable."

"Oh it is, don't worry I don't judge," she picked up her mug and started to walk away before yelling, "You go girl!" I grabbed my coffee and went to go set it on my desk.

I walked up behind JJ and leaned down next to her ear to whisper, "If you keep showing off that hickey, then perhaps you wouldn't mind having more, hmm?"

"Mmm I kind of like letting people see it... lets them know I'm yours"

I chuckled and bit down on her earlobe before standing back up to go sit at my desk. I sat down and said, "Just don't let Hotch see it."

Unbeknownst to JJ and I, Hotch was standing right behind us at Morgan's desk, "Let me see what?"

JJ threw her hair back over her neck to cover the hickey and I cleared my throat to say, "Uh, uh n-nothing, sir." He furrowed his eyebrows but fortunately ignored the rest of the conversation. I looked over at JJ and saw she was holding in a laugh. I winced and was more aware of my surroundings for the rest of the day. Hotch let us leave earlier than usual, so JJ and I got back home around 4:15. She wanted to stay in for dinner tonight so I ordered take-out Chinese food and we ate around 7:00. By 9:30, we were in bed in our PJs, making out. JJ straddled my lap as best she could with her baby belly and wrapped her arms around my neck. She pulled away for a second and rasped, "Are you gonna mark me up like you said you would?"

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