Enough is Enough

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TW: brief unwanted sexual contact/groping (end of chapter)

October 3, 2020
I walked into the BAU the next day alongside Emily instead of JJ. I felt bad imagining her waking up alone this morning and making the solitary commute, but I was also still pretty angry with her. Having her not trust me was hurtful, yet I knew it was something she couldn't really help. Her breakup with Will was messy, and she was the victim of it all. Being cheated on is a wound you carry with you all your life, and it affects any relationship you might start in the future. We both had a valid side of the argument and we'd work it out eventually, but today would probably not be that day. I walked up to my desk to find JJ seated next door with her earphones in, obviously avoiding any conversation. I knew she'd seen me though.

Morgan came up behind me, "She was the first one here today, maybe even before the cleaning ladies. I doubt she got much sleep and she hasn't spoken to anyone."

In defense of JJ, Reid mustered up some courage in the form of words, "What did you do to her?" With Reid, Morgan, and Emily gathered around, I told them all what happened— even though I'd already told Emily— and didn't leave out not one detail.

Morgan shrugged, "Ahhh that's not so bad, you guys will be fine."

"Violet's gone right?" Emily asked.

"Yeah, she left this morning. She asked me for a ride to the airport but I said no, I honestly didn't want to see her again." Emily patted me on the back to show she understood me. Hotch came out of his office and started walking to the roundtable room, stopping along the way to inform us, "We have a case." We congregated in the roundtable room, JJ sat across from me instead of her usual place at my side.

Garcia started presenting the case, "Ok, we have 4 victims in Oregon: 2 male, 2 female. Portland field office uncovered a mass grave with 3 bodies, killed 6 months ago. Nearby they found another body. Causes of death range from burning alive to asphyxiation. No sexual assault."

Rossi added his input, "Well, the torture's clearly sadistic."

Morgan was next, "The lack of sexual preferences could make it hard to tell if the unsub is male or female."

Clarifying Morgan's point, Emily added, "Typically, female serial killers stick to the same M. O. It looks like this guy's all over the place."

Garcia continued, "Most recent victim is Jenny Wittman. Asphyxiated. Discovered yesterday."

Reid asked, "How long was she missing?"

"She was never reported missing."

"What about the others?"

"Only one."

I inquired, "One of 4?"

"Rick holland was reported missing 9 months ago, but the search was called off. Family discovered his car at the train station. But more importantly, they received e-mails from him saying that he needed time to figure things out."

"And his family bought that?"

"Well, I guess the alternative was too hard to accept."

JJ spoke up, "Reaching out could be a sign of remorse."

"Psychopaths don't apologize for their behavior. This guy's covering his tracks," said Hotch.

Morgan mumbled, "Well, it's working."

I approached the screen and examined the dump sites, "So... 3 victims he buried in one grave and then only Jenny Wittman in the other..."

Emily asked me, "You thinking it's a pattern?"

"Uh, it's hard to tell. If there is, it's one down... 2 to go."

"Wheels up in 30."

Later that day
JJ and I didn't sit next to each other on the jet. We rode in separate SUVs on the way to the station. We hadn't spoken a word to each other all day. It was weird more than anything else. It felt like a piece of me was missing. We set up at the police station and introduced ourselves to the detective and officers that would be working with us.

"You must be the BAU, I'm Detective Miller," he pointed to the two young gentlemen at his side, "This is Officer Tony Delgado and Officer Elliot Swann."

Hotch spoke for the four of us that were assigned to work in the station, "Hi I'm Agent Hotchner— these are agents Prentiss, Rossi, Jareau, and Dr. Y/L/N." We shook their hands and I noticed Officer Swann lingered with JJ a little bit. As she tried to release his hand, he wouldn't let go right away and held on a moment longer. I watched him scan her up and down as she walked into the conference room we'd be setting up in. When lunch came an hour or so later, I left the room in search of Emily, who had wandered off somewhere. I looked around the station and saw JJ talking with Officer Swann. They were standing awfully close together and she didn't seem to mind. I got close enough to hear the conversation but not close enough for them to notice me eavesdropping.

"Have you ever been to Portland before? I can show you around if you'd like."

"That-that's really nice of you, Elliot, but I'm gonna be swamped working on this case."

"Oh, ok... well um, how about lunch? You're on break aren't you? Let me take you out somewhere."

"I-I really can't, I'm sorry... I'm seeing someone." I smirked at hearing that. Despite the fact that JJ thought I had been disloyal, she still refused to do the same to me.

"Oh, sorry. That's all right, I understand.. here, I'll walk you back to the conference room." I quickly found a new position so they wouldn't see me as they walked away. Once they were out of sight, I breathed a sigh of relief and continued my search for Emily. I found her eventually and she agreed to go pick up some lunch with me. We found a deli down the road and bought a tray of sandwiches for the team along with some sides. We walked back to the station and met everyone in the conference room— the whole team was back now and the detectives and officers joined us as well. I stood next to Emily and Morgan at the table, with JJ and Officer Swann opposite us. As she started to lean over the table to grab a case file, I saw him step closer to her— putting his front almost right up against her back. I paused what I was doing and scrunched my eyebrows, apparently no one else was seeing this. JJ was obviously uncomfortable, but either couldn't or wouldn't move. Then, the officer started to slowly rub his hand up the back of her thigh, approaching her ass.

I'd had enough, "Hey! Hey! The fuck do you think you're doing?" I started to lunge at him but Emily and Morgan grabbed my shoulders to hold me back, "I better not catch you doing that shit again, fuckwad! Touch her again and you're dead! Dead!" He backed out of the room with his hands up and bolted anywhere else in the station. I shook Morgan and Emily off of me and straightened my jacket out.

I ran over to JJ and hugged her so tightly I thought it might hurt, "Come here, I got you. I got you, baby." She started sobbing into my chest. I reached onto the table, grabbed our bags, and got out of there with her. I didn't care if Hotch needed us for the case right now— JJ needed me more. I unlocked one of the SUVs and opened the door for her.

She was about to climb in but turned to look at me, through streams of tears she said, "Wait we-we can't take this, don't they need it?"

"I don't care, they have three more. They're not my priority— you are." We buckled up and drove to the hotel to talk.
A/N- this chapter contains dialogue from Season 3 Episode 3- "Scared to Death" :)

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