Let Them Listen [smut]

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mature content! strap usage, mommy kink, daddy kink, self-degradation

November 21, 2o20
JJ and I flew to Florence overnight and landed around noon. We slept most of the plane ride here, but still opted to go back to bed when we arrived at our room. All the hotels in Florence were stunning— it was almost impossible to settle on one— but we decided to pick one with a balcony that gave us a view of the hillside.

I woke up around 2:00 in the afternoon to kisses and nips at my shoulder, starting to trail down to my collarbone

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I woke up around 2:00 in the afternoon to kisses and nips at my shoulder, starting to trail down to my collarbone. I glanced down and found JJ straddling my torso with her mouth attached to my skin. When she saw that I was awake she moved up and mumbled against my lips, "Well hello there, Mrs. Jareau"

"Mmm this is quite the welcome to Florence..."

"How awake are you?"

"That depends... how awake did you want me to be?" I knew the answer to that when she sat up on my lap and undid the knot of her robe with one finger— she was completely naked underneath. I sat up, clad only in my bra and panties, and grabbed her chin to bring her in for a passionate kiss. We made out for several minutes before she pulled away and asked, "Did you bring the strap?" When I smirked she knew what the answer was and continued, "Go get it for me? Please?" She shuffled off of me, allowing me to get off the bed and dig for the strap and harness in my bag. I stood next to the edge of the bed and took my panties off, starting to put the harness on before she held out her hand and stopped me.

"Who said you were wearing this?"

"I-I thought you wanted me t—"

She placed her finger over my lips and said, "I feel like fucking you with the strap right now, how does that sound? Would you like that, baby?" I swallowed hard and handed the harness to her.

"Mmmm that's what I thought... get on the bed, on your back"

I did as I was told and let her take control, "Yes ma'am"

She strapped everything in place and got on her knees in between my legs, "Did I do it right? Does it look good?"

"Fuck yes you look so hot, Jayje" She lowered herself on top of me and I reached down to play with my clit in anticipation.

"Mmm that's so hot baby, play with yourself while you wait for me to fuck you," she bit down on the pulse point on my neck.

"Holy shit, Jay, please fuck me! I need it!"

She slowly pushed into my center until she was fully inside me, "Mmm how's that? Is that good, baby?" She started to thrust into me at a steady pace as my moans escalated, "You're doing so well, being my good girl... you're so good for me"

I felt myself starting to tighten around the strap, "Oh, mommy, fuck!"

"You wanna cum for me? Wanna cum for mommy, yeah?"

"Fuck me hard, mommy... fuck! Don't stop!"

"Mmmm I won't stop, baby, I'm gonna make you cum so hard— cum all over my cock, baby, come on...show me how much you can take, how much you love it when mommy fucks you" I came hard and felt my stomach clench as my whole body shook with an intense orgasm.

JJ slowly kept grinding into me to draw it out, "Mmmm you look so fucking good like this, baby, so sexy all spread open for me... did mommy take good care of you?" I nodded my head with my lip between my teeth. "Oh yeah? Now how does daddy feel about letting me cum?"

"Yes! Yes, please, I wanna make you cum, Jay," she pulled out of me and took the strap off before we switched positions. I had another idea, though. I got off the bed and walked over to our suitcases.

JJ whined, "Where're you going, baby?"

I pulled a larger, newer strap out of my bag, "Can I use this?"

"Fuck that's so big... when did you get that?"

"A few days ago," I started putting it on, "think of it as one of your wedding presents from me" I climbed onto the bed and got on top of her, "Do you want it?"

"Mmm yes please... it's so big, I need it inside me" I pressed her lips against mine and thrust my tongue in her mouth before reaching down to her core and rubbing her clit between my fingers.

JJ was whining into my mouth, "Fuck, baby I can't wait anymore, please fuck me!"

I thrust inside with one fluid motion, "Shit, Jayje, you're so tight!"

As I sped up and kept banging into her hips, she screamed out "Oh, daddy! Yes, yes yes yes—fuck! Mmmm I'm such a slut for you, baby, you make me so fucking wet, Y/N"

"Mmm you're my slut, baby... You look so sexy taking my cock, pretty girl"

"I love taking it— I wanna be good for you, daddy! Fuck me harder, show me what happens to dirty little sluts— pound me like I deserve it!" I grabbed her hips and used them as leverage to thrust harder.

"You feel so good inside of me, Y/N— fuck!"

"Mmm you feel so good too... I'm gonna cum, baby"

"Can you cum inside me? Use me like your little fucktoy until you cum, I wanna feel you dripping out of my cunt, daddy, please!"

The sound of skin slapping against skin grew louder as I slammed my hips into hers over and over until we both came a few seconds later. We were both out of breath for a solid two minutes at least before either of us spoke again.

I undid the strap and settled on my back next to JJ, "Well that was fun yeah? Maybe even a little too much?"

"Mmm I thought it was perfect... and I love the new strap," she rolled over onto her side and snuggled closer to me, putting her head on my chest and her arm around my torso.

I giggled, "Oh you don't say? Good thing you told me because I couldn't tell from all the noises you were making..."

"Oh shut up, I'm not that loud!"

"Have you ever heard yourself?"

"The only one I need hearing me is you," she placed a kiss on the bottom of my chin.

"I know that was supposed to sound sexy but it's just so ironic because I'm pretty sure all of Florence just heard you screaming my name"

"Mmm well then let them listen, now they know who I belong to," she kissed and nibbled at my neck as I laid my head back against the pillows. We had plans for today, but I'm pretty sure we were both content with staying in bed all day and ordering room service. Nevertheless, we eventually got up and left the hotel room to explore Florence hand-in-hand as a newlywed couple.

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