Kiss and Make Up [smut]

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mature content! vaginal fingering, dry humping

I swiped the keycard through the door of my hotel room and let JJ walk in. She took her heels off and sat on the edge of the bed— her mascara made dark streaks down her cheeks as her tears continued to stain her skin. I put my bag down and walked into the bathroom to grab some makeup wipes. I knelt down in front of her and cleaned off her smeared makeup. She started tilting her head into my hand, like she wanted me to cradle her face. I lightly stroked the side of her cheek with my thumb before throwing the wipes onto the dresser and sitting next to her on the bed. I reached out my hand for her to take but she pushed it away— throwing her legs over my lap and wrapping her arms around my shoulders instead. I melted into her touch and took in the feeling of her affection.

I put my head on top of hers and spoke first, "You're the only one I wanna touch like this. No one else... And this might sound possessive but I don't want anyone else to touch you like this, either. It made me so pissed off to see that asshole... doing... what he was doing. I-I'm sorry if I embarrassed you by yelling in front of everyone but I—"

She perked her head up, "No, Y/N, you didn't embarrass me. And I-I'm sorry too."

"You are? For what, Jayje?"

"I feel like I kind of... led him on. I spent basically the whole day talking to him—"

"What he did was not your fault."

"I guess so. But really I-I did all that talking because of you."

"Me? What do you mean, Jen?"

"I was jealous of Violet, that's what it was. I didn't want you to be giving her attention like how you give me attention. So I guess I was trying to make you feel jealous of that officer— to see what it would be like if we weren't together and you had to watch me be with someone else like I was imagining you with Violet. I just hoped that you would miss me... like how I missed you."

"I missed you, I missed you so much. And you don't have to miss me, I'm right here Jennifer and I'm not going anywhere."

"Good, because neither am I." We smiled at each other, an honest smile that showed there was a connection between us again.

"Can I kiss you now?"

"Yes please," I caught her in a soft kiss— savoring the taste of cherry and faint vanilla that coated her lips. We pulled away after a few seconds and she got ready to ask me something, "Can you do something else for me?"

"Anything, babe."

"Can you promise not to kill that officer when we get back to the station tomorrow? I just got you back, I can't have you going to jail."

I pretended to think about it, "Mmmm no promises... I can't let someone mess with my girl and get away with it."

She smirked at me, "Your girl, huh?"

I started leaning in again, "Mmhmm, mine," before capturing her lips in a passionate kiss. Our sex was moving slower tonight, but it was still intense. I wanted to love her rather than fuck her. I placed long kisses on her jawline before moving to her neck.

She moaned into my ear, "Mmm, Y/N, make love to me. Show me how much you want me to be yours."

"With pleasure," I peeled off my shirt and moved my hands to remove hers, "Can I take this off?" She nodded with her bottom lip caught between her teeth. She did me the courtesy of taking off her own pants, letting me know it was okay to keep going. She moved onto her back at the head of the bed and I went to meet her after kicking my pants and shoes off. I craned my head down, placing featherlight kisses on the part of her boobs that was spilling over the top of her bra.

She ran her fingers through my hair, "That's perfect, baby..." I left a hickey on her collarbone before meeting her face-to-face.

I fingered the waistband of her panties, "Can I take these off?"

"Mmmhmm..." I slid my hands down her sides— causing shivers to run through her body— heading for her lower region. I peeled off her panties and started to circle around her clit with my index finger. Her eyes rolled back into her head and she bit down on her lip— it was so incredibly hot.

"Jayje, look at me," she looked down and we made eye contact as I slowly slid two fingers inside her, watching her face as I filled her up. "You feel so good, Jay..."

"Fuck so do you, baby... you're so good to me," she moaned out a little louder this time.

I continued to pump my fingers in and out while placing gentle kisses on her neck, "I love you, Jayje, only you. You're mine and you're the only one I want..."

She whimpered at that, "Please make me cum, I want to cum for you, baby" I was getting so turned on as her whimpers and pleads began to grow. I positioned myself on top of JJ's thigh while simultaneously speeding up my fingers inside of her, and I started to grind into her. The friction stimulating my clit and the sounds coming from JJ would be enough to make me cum.

"Jayje, wait for me... I wanna cum with you," she nearly screamed at that.

"Mmm ok, baby— I'll wait, I'll wait"

"I'm close, babe I-I'm so c-close- fuck!" I threw my head back as JJ and I came together. It was deliciously sexy and very intimate. I climbed off her thigh and settled in between her legs. I brushed a piece of golden hair our of her face and admired her gorgeous eyes. Her skin was glowing and she looked like an angel.

"I think you're beautiful" She blushed red at hearing that which only made her look cuter. We made out for a hot minute before I pulled away and asked, "Drink?"

"Sure, what do we have?"

"Rossi gave me half a bottle of scotch earlier today... he thought I'd need it."

"Haha scotch sounds really fucking good now, actually... any ice?"

I looked around for the ice bucket. Empty. I picked it up, "Not at the moment," I threw my robe on, "I'll be right back, babe." I walked out of our hotel room and down to where the vending machine was. Funnily enough, I ran into Emily.

"Hey, Em. Whatcha doin?"

"Getting ice. If we're gonna tear into that bottle of scotch Rossi gave you then mama needs ice," she said while shoveling ice into her bucket.

"Oh, shoot uhh... I'm gonna-I'm gonna stay in JJ's room tonight actually, Em."

"Oh, sweet, you guys made up?"

I chuckled, "Yeah, you could say that. We just had sex, so..."

"Jesus that was fast! Well, make-up sex is always fun. Good time?"

"Ha! Let's save that talk for girls' night, Em." I scooped some ice into my bucket and gave Emily a jokey slap on the ass, "Goodnight, horndog." I walked back to our room and unlocked the door with my key. JJ was still laying on our bed but put on Blue Planet to keep her company.

"Is that Blue Planet?" I asked while pouring scotch over the ice I prepared in a couple glasses.

"Shhh, don't judge my nerdiness."

I crawled into bed next to her and handed her a glass, "I would never, I love your nerdiness and delight in sharing it." We clinked our drinks and let the sound of David Attenborough's voice pull us into sleep.

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