Love At First Sight [smut]

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mature content! cunnilingus
Long chapter! ~1500 words

February 14, 2021
Derek and I were congregating at my desk while JJ was away so he had a chance to ask me about what I had planned for Valentine's Day in private.

"Romantic dinner? Movie? Another rooftop escapade like your proposal? What's it gonna be, Y/N?"

"Well I made her breakfast this morning and gave her a couple presents, and I'm taking her to a show later tonight at the Kennedy Center after we have dinner downtown, an American Ballet Theatre performance."

"The ABT?! How'd you score those tickets, princess?"

"Well lucky for me I happen to be best friends with someone who knows virtually everyone in DC."

Emily raised her hand but kept her face glued to her computer screen, "That would be me!"

"Prentiss, how 'bout helping me sometime, huh?"

Now she picked her head up, "Hey, who got you a discount on season tickets for the Redskins? I believe that was me, was it not?" Derek shrugged, accepting his defeat.

*JJ's POV*
Garcia and I had a bad habit of gossiping about my wife whenever we had the chance. She called me into her tech lair when it was time for my break, I assumed it was to ask me about Valentine's Day. I knocked on her door and closed it behind me after she told me to come in.

"What is it, Garcia? I only have like 10 minutes."

"Oh please, don't act like you don't know what this is about... Penny G wants to hear about your Valentine's Day plans with Y/N!"

I took a seat in the spare chair by her desk, "She made me breakfast this morning— strawberry crepes— and gave me a couple presents," I held up my wrist, "including this bracelet. She told me she has something else planned for us later but I'm not allowed to know what it is."

"Ooo should I hack into her bank account and see what it is?"

"No, Pen, I wanna be surprised!"

"Hmph, okay. That sounds nice though, and I know strawberry crepes are your favorite. Whatcha doin for her?"

"Well umm, our OB took a few pictures during my ultrasound a couple weeks ago and Y/N doesn't know. So I framed the one that looked the best and I'm gonna give that to her later."

"Aww, Jayje, she'll love that!"

I giggled, "Hehe I hope so, I think she will too though." I chatted with Garcia for a few more minutes and then went back to my desk. When the day ended some 5 hours later, Y/N and I drove home and got ready for dinner. The restaurant we were going to was formal but not too formal, so we dressed a little fancier than our standard date night and then headed out the door. She took me to a beautiful place in downtown DC; I ordered the chopped salad, without hard-boiled eggs, and she got chicken parm. The food was to die for and, thank god, none of it made me sick afterwards. We sat at the table for about 10 minutes after we were finished eating, just relaxing and enjoying each other's company. When it was time to go, she helped me put my jacket back on and then held out her arm for me to hook onto. We stepped outside the restaurant, arm in arm, but she paused a few feet away from the door.

"Okay so I have one final present for you..." she shuffled through her pockets, and then pulled something out, "Tonight we're going to the Kennedy Center to see a performance by the American Ballet Theatre!"

My mouth dropped open and I grabbed the tickets from her hand, "You did not! Oh my god, how'd you get these!?"

She acted smug, "I have my ways, darling." I jumped into her arms and she spun me around before I laughed, "Put me down! Put me down! Let's go!" We hailed a cab and drove down to the Kennedy Center. The show was phenomenal. I was more of an athlete when I was younger but I've always admired dancers— they're so elegant and calming to watch. We took a cab back toward our apartment but got out about two blocks away and walked the remaining length. It was almost 11:00 by the time Y/N got her key through the door and we made it inside. I finished my nightly routine first so I changed into my silk pajamas and climbed into bed. A few minutes later, Y/N came out of the bathroom and laid down on top of me. She rested her head on my chest as I lightly ran my fingers through her hair, placing a kiss to her forehead every once in a while.

She picked her head up and looked at me, "Did you have a good time tonight?"

I smoothed out her eyebrows and replied, "The best time, thank you... for everything."


"Everything. You do so much for me. I love you"

"I love you too... I know one thing I didn't do tonight though," she raised herself up, using both arms to stay balanced, and leaned in for a kiss.

I mumbled against her lips, "And what would that be?"

She started sucking on my neck, "I think you know..."

I let out a soft moan when she found my sweet spot, "Mmm, baby" With her lips still attached to my neck, her fingers were nimbly working the buttons of my top open. She undid the last button and slowly slid the garment off my shoulders. She left light kisses all over my breasts, occasionally flicking her tongue over my nipples when she moved across my chest. She kissed down my abdomen, lingering over my lower region where our baby was resting. Placing her hands on my hips, she looked up at me to ask for approval to move forward. I nodded with my lip between my teeth and she proceeded to pull my pajama shorts off. She threw them onto the floor and started sucking on the inside of my thighs.

"B-baby, please, don't tease me— not tonight"

"Okay," a kiss to my thigh, "I promise I won't" She stripped me from my panties and they joined my shorts on the floor.

I groaned when she gently kissed my clit, "I want your tongue, baby... can you use your tongue tonight for me?"

"As you wish," she used her thumbs to open my lips and ran the tip of her tongue from my opening to my clit. She repeated that motion a few times as my hips kept grinding into her face. The sounds of wetness filled the room as she continued to suck on my clit and lower lips. I let out a soft moan when she finally dipped her tongue inside, and I tangled my fingers in her hair to keep her down there.

She flicked her eyes up at me before rasping, "You like that?"

"Mmm yes! More, I want more! You feel so good, baby, I love your mouth" She thrust her tongue back inside and used her nose to rub against my clit. When I felt close to the edge I screamed out, "Baby, I'm close don't stop! Don't fucking stop, Y/N, I— fuck!" She never faltered her motions when I came into her mouth, still sucking and licking for all she was worth. When my arched back was relaxed again and I stopped grinding, she wiped her mouth on her arm and climbed up to meet me at my level.

"How was that? Complete the night?"

"Most definitely," I kissed her forehead and brushed a strand of hair out of her face, "I um... I have a present for you"

She smiled at me, "You do?"

I chuckled and sat up a little bit, "Yeah but I have to go get it... can you hand me my shirt? I don't wanna walk in front of the window topless" She got off the bed and handed me my pajama top as well as my panties. I ran into the living room to find where I hid the bag with her gift. I jumped back onto the bed and handed it to her before settling back down on my side of the mattress. She shuffled through sheets of tissue paper before finding it.

She put her hand over her mouth and started to tear up a little, "J-Jayje when did you get this?"

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She put her hand over her mouth and started to tear up a little, "J-Jayje when did you get this?"

I wrapped my arms around her bicep and tilted my head against her shoulder, "I had Dr. Montgomery take some pictures from our visit and print them out for me. Little secret between her and me."

"I-I love it, I don't know what else to say except thank you," she hadn't torn her eyes away from the picture yet— simply admiring it and thinking about how our family was expanding. I sat next to her in silence for some time, doing the same.

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