You Don't Have to Do It Alone

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TW: homophobia

October 20, 2020
The next morning, we woke up about half an hour earlier to get the boys ready for school. We had to take Henry to school today, but Will was gonna pick him up later, as well as Michael, so JJ and I could start our wedding plans. JJ made them each a bowl of oatmeal and I joined them at the table with my cup of coffee.

"Good morning, guys, how'd you sleep?"

Still a little groggy, Henry said "Good... are you planning the wedding today?"

"Yeah, buddy, some of it."

Michael held a spoonful of oatmeal up to my face, "You wansome, momma?" I leaned forward and graciously accepted his offer, "Mmm thanks, Mikey" I heard JJ chuckle from the kitchen, and went over to go see if she needed help with anything.

"Whatcha doing, gorgeous?"

She gave me a peck on the lips, "Just cleaning up... putting some stuff away."

I grabbed the plate she was holding, "I got this, Jay, go sit for a minute"

"Yes, ma'am." After we'd all finished eating, I helped the boys pack up their lunches and got them ready to go out the door.

I called out to JJ to let her know we were done, "Babe, we're all set!"

"Okay, give me a minute!" I looked down at Henry who rolled his eyes, "She takes forever." Not even a second later, JJ walked out of our room— she looked breathtaking. She had on a white blouse, buttoned just above her cleavage, tucked into a black pencil skirt that hugged her legs until it ended perfectly at her knees. Her black heels tied everything together.

I said to him, "Yeah but it's worth it, look how beautiful she looks..."

JJ must have caught on to what we were talking about and hit me on the arm, "Were you complaining about how long it takes me to get ready?"

I shifted the blame, "Not me! Henry was!"

She grabbed her keys and flung her purse over her shoulder, "Ugh. Neither of you appreciate my beauty."

I whispered into her ear, "That's not what you thought last night," I watched her swallow hard and then led the boys out the door. We all piled into the car and within a few minutes we arrived at Henry's school. I pulled into a parking space in the lot.

"Momma, you're not gonna drop me off in the drive-up lane?"

"No, bud, we have tell the attendance secretary that you'll probably miss a day or two of school for our wedding. Mom's gonna wait here with Mikey and I'll walk in with you." I gave JJ a kiss on the cheek before walking inside with Henry.

"Do you know where the front office is, Henry?"

"Yeah! Follow me!" I knew where the office was, but I wanted to give him the pleasure of showing me where to go. When we got to the door I gave him a kiss on the forehead and said, "Okay now get to class before you're late!" He ran down the hallway and I opened the door to the office. I saw the secretary sitting at the front desk and walked up to her.

"Hi, I'm Henry LaMontagne's mom I just wanted to let you guys know he'll probably miss one or two days of class next month."

"Okay, that should be fine... can I ask what the reason for the absence is?"

"Um it's a wedding... well, my wedding."

She smiled at me, "Oh! Congratulations Ms. Jareau!"

"Oh no I'm not Jennifer Jareau, I'm her fiancé." Her smiled suddenly faded.

"Oh... oh, umm"

"Something wrong?"

"No, no I-I just didn't realize Ms. Jareau was... um"

"Was what?"

"I-I just never took her as a member of that community, I thought she was... better"

I scoffed and just wanted to get the hell out of there at this point, "Okay well Henry will likely be absent a couple days next month— that's really all I came here to say, although now I wish I could say much more... I'll email your superior within the next couple weeks to specify the days of his absence," I turned around and started to leave but stopped myself to say one more thing, "If I find that you've started treating my son or my fiancé any differently because of this matter then you'll be seeing me again and I won't be as dismissive of the subject." I left and made my way back down the hallway to the front doors of the school. I found our car in the lot and slammed the door behind me. Because of that, JJ obviously knew I was upset.

"Hey, hey, hey! What's wrong, Y/N?"

"They should be ashamed of that bitch of a secretary they have working in that office, that's what's wrong." I was about to put the key into the ignition but she put her hand out to stop me.

"Hey! Hold on for a minute," I sat back in my seat, "Just breathe and tell me what happened, baby." I looked into the backseat to see what Michael was doing, not really wanting him to hear the story I was about to tell.

"He's on his iPad, he's not listening... what happened?" I told JJ the whole thing, and she became very angry too. When a certain thought suddenly crossed her mind, she perked her head up at me and asked, "Oh no, Hen-Henry wasn't there, was he?"

"No, no. He didn't see or hear any of it— I sent him off to class before I even walked into the office." This event raised some already prevalent, but now even more realistic, concerns about my relationship with JJ and how it would impact her kids. Being upfront with how I felt, I said to her "Now that we're getting married I think we should talk to Henry, and maybe Michael too, about having two moms. Henry said he didn't feel 'weird' about it, and I believe him, but I think we have to tell him that other people will feel weird about it."

She took a deep breath and agreed with me, "I think so, too. God I always dreaded having to do this someday..."

I put a finger under her chin and lifted her head up, "Hey... I'm here too and we can do it together. I promised I'd be a parent to the boys and I intend to do right by that promise. You certainly have the strength and courage to do these things alone, but I'm telling you that you don't have to." I put the car in reverse and we took off for the BAU. JJ and I put the stress from this morning behind us, and we looked forward to telling the team about the good news of the night before.
A/N- just a heads up: i won't be including a chapter going into the conversation you and JJ have with Henry about homophobia/having two moms. i'm just personally not very comfortable writing a chapter like that and i hope y'all understand :) peace and love ✌️

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