All Dressed in White

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Long chapter: ~1500 words

November 20, 2020
Waking up in bed alone was not what I imagined on the day of my wedding. I saw the covers on JJ's side flung across the mattress, like she couldn't wait to get up. I rubbed my eyes and put on my sweats before walking to the door of our bedroom. As I reached for the doorknob I realized music was playing from the kitchen. I then heard JJ humming along to it while standing at the stove. I came up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist as we swayed softly with the music, "Mmm whatcha doin, baby?"

"Well I was going to surprise you with breakfast in bed, but it looks like you finally decided to get up."

"Ahhh is that why I woke to an empty bed this morning?"

"Yes, wasn't my intention though... sorry, my love."

I continued placing light kisses on her neck, "Mmm don't apologize it's all right... we can still bring this into the bedroom, yeah?" She nodded and I helped her finish making the tray of breakfast she'd been preparing. We finished eating around 10:00 and I got ready to leave for Emily's while JJ waited for Garcia to show up at our place. We both decided to wear dresses and adhered to the customs by not seeing each other's beforehand. Penelope buzzed into our intercom at 10:30, and I knew that was my cue to leave.

"Okay, Jayje, call me if you need anything... I'm gonna head to Em's now."

She jogged up to me and gave me a peck on the lips, "Mwah! I'll see you later, Y/N," she winked and I walked out the door.

A few hours later
Emily looked at her watch, "Okay, Y/N, it is officially 1:00 and you have exactly one hour before we have to be at Rossi's for pictures."

Derek was with us too, "Y/N, where are you guys going for your honeymoon?"

In the midst of trying to let Emily help me get ready, I replied "Florence."

He whistled, "Hot damn, Italy? You really going all out for this, huh?"

I chuckled, "Well it was between that and Santorini in Greece... JJ wanted a beach but I wanted greenery. The food ended up being the deciding factor."

Emily chimed in while trying adjust my dress, "Haha well I bet Rossi's happy about that!" Within 30-40 minutes my dress was on and I just had a few final accessories to put on before we left for Dave's house. By 1:50 we were out the door; Hotch let JJ and I each borrow an SUV for a couple hours, so we used those to commute to Rossi's. Derek drove while Emily joined me in the backseat.

"Nervous, Y/N?"

"Nervous-happy combo? That's valid, right?"

"Feelings are feelings, they're always valid... don't be scared— weather is nice, you look beautiful, JJ will look beautiful, she loves you, we love you, what can go wrong honestly?"

"Ugh don't say that, Em, you're gonna jinx my wedding day!" We chatted for the rest of the ride, mostly about what JJ and I had planed in Florence, and were pulling up to Rossi's house before we knew it. Emily and I set up in one of his guest bedrooms and waited for word of when JJ arrived. Sitting and twiddling my thumbs made me even more nervous. Luckily, it didn't take long before I saw Garcia pulling into Rossi's driveway.

Emily yelled at me, "Y/N! Get away from the window! Don't you want to be surprised when you see JJ in her dress for the first time?"

"Okay, okay I'm sorry! I'm too excited!" Once Garcia texted Emily saying JJ was all set up in a bedroom, we knew it was time for a wedding to happen. I walked down first and took my place next to Spencer, Henry, and Michael in front of all our friends and family as music gently played in the background. Before I knew it, JJ appeared in the archway of Rossi's back door. She looked ethereal even from 50 feet away. I knew I'd start crying as she slowly made her way down the aisle, and I was right. When JJ came face-to-face with me, she reached her hand up to my face and wiped a tear off my cheek with her thumb.

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