No Promises [smut]

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mature content! cunnilingus, teasing, daddy kink

I watched as the door opened and JJ stood there, still in costume but a different one. She changed into an almost identical version of Princess Leia's gold bikini outfit and seductively leaned against the doorframe.

I whistled and let my eyes roam all over her figure. Her breasts were still slightly enlarged from her pregnancy, and they were spilling over the top of the chest piece she was wearing. She had a choker clamped around her neck, and her hair was in a braid down her back. The muscles in her abdomen were taunt and perfectly tanned, still shining with a thin layer of post-shower sweat. The light material of the fabric cascading from the piece around her hips revealed only select pieces of her long, golden legs. I put my phone down on the night table as she walked over and stood in between my legs, wrapping her arms around my neck.

She motioned down to my lap, "Is this seat taken?"

"Mmm who's asking?"

"Someone who desperately wants you in between their legs right now" She squealed and started giggling as I picked her up and threw her back onto the pillows of our bed. I immediately attached my lips to her neck and starting nipping, not caring if I left any marks.

JJ whimpered, "Baby, y-you're gonna leave a m-mark!"

I clamped my teeth onto the soft skin under her ear, "Good. You're mine— let people know." I grabbed the back of her collar, forcing her head to tilt back so I could move down to her collarbone. I traced my tongue over it and caused JJ to shiver at the feeling. I sucked on the top of her boobs and dragged my hand down to her lower region. I reached under the fabric covering her core and moved over the coarse patch of hair to find her clit. I started to slowly rub around it with one finger, taking my time to tease her. With my free hand, I yanked my shirt off and pressed my bare chest against JJ.

She moaned, "You feel so good against me, I love feeling you so close like this"

"God, me too baby— your skin is so soft" Her hips started raising up into my touch, looking for more friction. She started to whine so I asked, "You want more, Jayje?"

She nodded, "Yes!"

I slowed down my pace, "Ask the right way"

She whined even louder, "Shit, Y/N, please fuck me! I don't care how— tongue, fingers, whatever! You can do whatever you want to me!" I kissed her and then bit her bottom lip when I pulled away, sliding down her body and settling between her legs. I moved the material of her costume out of my way and lightly licked over her clit, transmitting hardly any pleasure. JJ continued to scream, "Stop teasing, baby! Please fuck me, daddy, I'll do anything!"

I gave her a command, "Spread your legs more for me..." She moved her legs farther apart and bent them up at the knees, keeping the heels of her feet firmly planted into the mattress. I moaned, "Mmm perfect," and licked over her clit again after spreading her lips apart. She whimpered loudly, finally feeling somewhat satisfied.

"Don't stop! Don't stop, please!"

I dipped my tongue inside her hole, "You taste so good, Jayje. So addicting."

"It's all yours, baby! My pussy belongs to you!"

I made eye contact with her, "Is that so?" and caught her clit between my teeth. I pulled at the bud for a second or two and then released it from my grip, causing it to spring back into place.

JJ screamed, "Oh fuck yes! That felt so good, baby... c-can you keep going? P-Please? I wanna cum in your mouth, daddy" I placed a kiss over her clit and then went back to her entrance. I thrust my tongue in and out of her hole as she reached down and tangled her fingers in my hair. When she started getting more aroused, she pushed on the back of my head to get me impossibly closer to her center.

"Fuck, Y/N, just like that! Yes! You're so good at this, baby, give me more!" I was content to drown in JJ's smell and taste, and kept licking and sucking until I was sure she was satisfied.

I snapped my eyes up at her and she moaned when she looked right at me, "God, you look so good sucking me off... please make me cum baby, I want it—fuck— please!" When I pushed my tongue into a particularly deep spot and curled it up, JJ lost all control. Her back arched and her legs shook for several minutes. I licked her clean and met her face to face when she stopped convulsing.

I had to make sure she was all right, "Are you okay?"

She panted and threw her hands next to either side of her head onto the pillow, "Okay? That was unbelievable... I've n-never felt like— I-I mean you really—" I kissed her to shut her up, hearing her moan when she tasted herself on my lips. She kept her eyes closed and hummed, "Mmm that was a really good kiss"

I giggled, "Wow, you're like my biggest fan tonight"

She was still catching her breath, "I'm your biggest fan every night... you always make me feel so good," she leaned forward to kiss my cheek.

I smiled at the praise, "Well thank you," I toyed with the straps of her gold bikini and waistband of her skirt, "How bout we get you out of this now, hmm?" She bit her lip and nodded, turning around so I could unhook her chest piece and choker. Once she was out of those, she shuffled off the bottom piece and laid back on the bed.

I put my sports bra back on and crashed next to her, "Ready to go to bed?"

She furrowed her eyebrows, "Why am I the only one naked?"

"Because I like when you're naked." I reached over to turn the light off and then laid down on my side, pulling JJ into my arms.

She accepted her place as the little spoon but pouted, "I like when you're naked too."

I placed a kiss to the nape of her neck, "Maybe tomorrow night... but no promises."

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