Patience is a Virtue

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We stood in an anxious silence for two minutes, waiting for the results. When my watch beeped we knew the time was up.

JJ ran over to the counter and picked up both sticks, "I'm pregnant! Look!" She turned the tests around and I saw two pink plus signs staring back at me. I wrapped my arms around JJ picking her up and spinning her around.

I put her down and said, "Jen, that's amazing! We can make an appointment at the clinic tomorrow to confirm, okay?"

A permanent smile was plastered onto her face, "Okay, can you call them? My hands are too shaky, I'm too hyper." She put the tests back in the box on the counter and we made our way into the living room. I called our fertility clinic and JJ called Garcia.

"Hello, I have to make an appointment with Dr. Montgomery please?... The name is Jennifer Jareau... Does she have any availability tomorrow?... Great!.. It's to confirm a pregnancy from our IUI procedure a couple weeks ago... Yes, we took two at-home tests today and they were both positive but we want her to run a test as well... December 4th was our last appointment... 3:00 tomorrow should be fine, yes... All right, great— thanks so much!" I put my phone down and saw JJ sitting on the couch, talking a mile a minute. I walked up behind her and put my hands on her shoulders while placing soft kisses against the side of her neck.

She was chewing Garcia's ear off, "Pen they were both positive, can you believe it?!... Well we're going to the clinic tomorrow to confirm... No we won't know the sex for another month at least probably... No we don't have any names picked out yet, Pen— you're way ahead of us!... Okay... O-Okay... Okay, Penelope! Let me go celebrate with my wife now, please... All right, bye." JJ threw her phone next to her on the couch and got up on her knees to turn and face me.

She giggled, "I think Penelope is more excited about this than we are."

I smiled back, "Well I don't know about you but I could just about burst with excitement... I can't believe we're having a baby, Jen"

She kissed me on the forehead, "Did you make an appointment for tomorrow?"

"Yep, 3:00. Hotch will let us out early once we tell him the news... he's always had a soft spot for us."

JJ laughed, "Haha! He totally does— he'd never admit it though"

December 19, 2020 (the next day)
Hotch let JJ and I leave around 2:00 so she had plenty of time to go home and change before our 3:00 appointment today. She put on some comfy clothes so she wouldn't have to be examined in dress pants in a blouse. We walked back down to the car and drove the short distance to our clinic. JJ wasn't as nervous as she was when we took the first tests but I could tell she wasn't as calm as I was.

We took a seat in the waiting room and I rested my hand on her thigh, "Just breathe, Jen. Everything's gonna work out. We're gonna go in there and she's gonna tell us exactly what we found out yesterday: you're pregnant."

She inhaled deeply, "But what if she doesn't? What if they were two false positives? I mean that can happen, right?"

"It can but I sincerely doubt it." Just then, a nurse opened the door to the hallway of the exam rooms, "Jennifer Jareau?"

JJ and I got up and walked over to the nurse. Before we stepped through the door JJ asked, "My wife can come with me, right?" The nurse nodded and brought us into a room a few feet away. About 6-7 minutes later, the doctor walked in.

"Good afternoon, ladies, how we feelin' today? Jennifer, Y/N here told my office you're pregnant—are we just here to confirm?"

"Yes, although we're not really sure how you're gonna do that... it's too early for an ultrasound, right? Or should I go put on a gown?"

"No that's true, I usually can't read a sonogram until about six weeks in... seeing as you're just over two, I'll be doing a blood test today. They're about 99% accurate when detecting pregnancy so in that way it's superior to urine tests, but it does take longer to get your results back."

I inquired, "How long, doctor?"

"Well fortunately we have an in-house lab here, so it should take about and hour or so. You're welcome to wait here— I have a pretty open schedule the rest of the day— or you can head back home and we'll give you a call."

JJ quickly jumped in, "What's faster?"

"Well it's gonna be faster if I just give you the news right here instead of trying to reach you over the phone."

She looked up at me, "I wanna stay here, baby."

I chuckled, "That's fine by me, I have no plans." We had everything set so Dr. Montgomery took some of JJ's blood; all we had to do was sit back and try to be patient. JJ was bouncing her leg up and down as I paced back and forth around the exam room. An hour went by but to both of us it felt like three.

"This is longer than she said it would be, Y/N."

"It probably just means the results aren't in yet, it doesn't mean—" We heard a knock on the door and told whoever it was to come in. Doctor Montgomery walked in with a huge smile, "Congratulations, mommies, you're pregnant!" JJ let out a sigh of relief and immediately started sobbing into her hands— happy tears, of course. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her head into my chest. Doctor Montgomery took a seat at her swivel desk chair while JJ and I got our emotions under control.

Through her tears she said "Oh, doctor, thank you so much for doing this I know it wasn't technically necessary but—"

"If you guys wanted some peace of mind, then it was necessary. And don't worry about it, that's what I'm here for. Speaking of which, I know you guys selected me as your fertility specialist but I am also a certified OB/GYN if you were looking for someone?"

I looked down at JJ, "You have an OB already right, babe?"

She winced, "Actually I wasn't really a fan of my last OB," she turned back to Dr. Montgomery, "But you're absolutely wonderful, so I'd love to be under your care if you're offering!"

"Of course! You guys are lovely, I'd kill to have more patients like you," she put her glasses on and logged into her computer, "I'm sure you're familiar with prenatal exams— you'll have to make an appointment once a month for 28 weeks and then twice a month for the next 8 weeks. Prenatal vitamins can be purchased over-the-counter so make sure you're keeping up with those. Otherwise I see no reason to keep you here for another hour, I'll see you in about 4 weeks for your first ultrasound!" We shook her hand and thanked her at least 30 times before gathering our things and walking back out to the car. The joy we felt going into our one-month anniversary was unmatched.

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