An Unexpected Reunion

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Haruhi POV

I stretched and yawned as I rolled out of bed. Sundays are the best; time to hit up the supermarket. I slipped on a random shirt and sweats and made my way to the door. Opening it, I sighed as the fresh air rolled into our living room. The scent of autumn leaves refreshed me. Grinning, I stepped out of our apartment and strolled down the street.

It felt nice to be alone; especially without those Host Club idiots. Grinning again, I made my way towards the supermarket.

The bell jingled as I stepped through the door. A familiar lady waved at me, so I smiled at her. Making my way down the aisle of vegetables, my head was stuck trying to remember who that was. "The bank lady? No. The janitor at my middle school? No... Maybe she lives on our street..."

Not paying attention to what was ahead of me, I bumped into someone.

"I'm so sorry sir! Are you alright?" I was so embarrassed. I was the one who fell and yet I was asking if the latter was hurt... Talk about stupid...

"Oh I'm fine. Are you ok little lady?" The man held out a hand and helped me up. I was so embarrassed...

Glancing up, I recognized immediately who it was. "Arai?! What are you doing here?"

"Huh? Oh it's you Haruhi. How have you been?" he greeted while helping me up.

"It's been alright," I replied.

"Oh. So not only did you cut off your hair, but now you're into cross dressing too?" he chuckled while scratching his head. "You Ouran folks sure are weird..."

"What, this? This is what I normally wear though..." I stared at my shoes. Did I really look like a cross dresser?

My silence must've made him feel that he hurt my feelings, because he started blabbering rubbish like: "Haruhi, I didn't mean it!" or "I'm so sorry!" and "I swear you look like a girl!"

His reaction amused me. I started giggling, "Arai, I know you didn't mean it." I couldn't stop, and I began laughing uncontrollably.

Arai stared at me blankly and smiled, "Hey, wanna go get some lunch together? There's a nice restaurant around the corner. But it's not fancy or anything..." He looked at the ground.

"Arai, I'm not into fancy things like those Ouran folks. Anything will do." My mind raced at the thought of food. What type of restaurant was it? Would it have fancy tuna? Forgetting about my shopping, I headed towards the restaurant with Arai.

Kaoru POV

Hand in hand, we strolled down the street filled with commoners' shops. Occasionally, Hikaru would wander towards a display window with me trailing behind him; it was fun.

"Kaoru! Look! The cake is only ¥2000 apiece!"

Chuckling, I followed my twin towards the bakery; sometimes he acts just like Honey Senpai.

It was around noon and a quaint little restaurant came into view. "Hikaru, how about we have some lunch there?"

"Fine by me," he replied.

We sat ourselves down and waited for the server to bring us our orders. That's when they came in; that's when my world ended.

Haruhi was chatting happily with her ex-classmate, Arai. They didn't see either of us. It didn't bother me much, but Hikaru was beyond annoyed.

"What does she even see in him? He's not handsome, nor is he intelligent," Hikaru seethed.

I scowled at my brother and he silenced. All through our meal, Hikaru frowned and ate little to nothing. Soon, we slipped out and were escorted back to our home.

"Seriously, Haruhi has gotta get rid of him!" Hikaru bursted as soon as I closed the door.

"Hikaru, Haruhi has the right to do whatever she wants. And why do you care anyways?" That's when I realized I made a fatal mistake.

Hikaru scowled. His voice was icy when he replied, "Why do I care? I care because I liked Haruhi. If she feels that that scum is better than me, then there is a serious problem. You got that?"

"She never rejected you, and you never even made a move. How was she supposed to have any clue about your feelings?" I was trying to calm him down, but I just made the situation worse.

"Well if it wasn't obvious enough, then I guess she is dumb enough to fall for him. Because it's obvious that MY affection is of less importance than HIS."

"Hikaru, they were just talking..."

"It sure didn't look like it. Did you see the way he looked at her?!"

I couldn't handle it anymore. I snapped. "HIKARU HITACHIIN. IS THIS ALL ABOUT YOUR LOVE FOR HARUHI?! What about me? Have you ever wondered how I feel about this?"


My heart shattered. "What about me? What about... us?"

The scars that were slowly fading away are coming back. The wounds that were left unhealed just bled more. And my heart that was broken, is now beyond repair. Just because you broke your promise.


Please leave your suggestions in the comments and once again, THANK YOU FOR ALL THE SUPPORT! IT IS GREATLY APPRECIATED!!!

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