Befalling of Tragedy

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Hikaru POV

"Haruhi, we need to talk."

"About what, sweetie?"

I rubbed the back of my neck nervously and let out a sheepish chuckle. "Well, as you know, Kaoru isn't doing very well... So I just wanted to let you know that I might not be able to spend so much time with you for a while..."

"That's fine. I mean, he is the sensitive one of you two," she replied with the cutest grin.

"Thanks for your understanding, Haruhi." Turning away quickly, I rushed out of the classroom and down the corridor.

"Curses, I don't have the courage to break up with her!" I cussed under my breath. Jogging down the hallway, many of the Host Club's usual guests bid me goodbye, but I ignore their words as I hurried out to the courtyard and waved for my chauffeur. I quickly entered the vehicle and sat down on the posh leather seats. Sighing, I avert my gaze to the scenery outside.

It was always the same. Green flowering hedges lined the winding road with the occasional intersection. The route had a tranquil feel and it was neither flat nor hilly.

Kaoru and I always enjoyed our ride to school. It was the only half hour of time we had together with nobody to interfere. At home, maids would pester us with questions. At school, milord or those fangirls would follow our every move. The ride to school was always enjoyable.

But it was different without him by my side.

Glancing at the empty seat beside me, I frowned. I placed my hand above my heart and gripped the hem of my uniform's collar. "You've taken away a piece of me, Kaoru..."

At that moment, a loud horn sounded. But it was too late.

Kaoru POV

I fell to my knees, shocked and petrified with fear. Tears dared to pool out of my eyes as the message repeated itself in my head. "NO! I REFUSE!" I screamed at the maid who had delivered the news. "IT'S NOT POSSIBLE!"

I slammed the door shut and leant against it. Panting, I scanned my room with a maniacal spark in my eye. "It can't be... It has to be a lie..."

I grabbed whatever was at arms-reach and hurled it at the wall. The vase shattered on impact: the flowers fluttered innocently to the ground and the water seeped into the carpet, staining its intricate designs. "No...." I whispered quietly in disbelief, clawing at my face. My hands shook violently as I processed all my thoughts.

Scrambling to my feet, I stumbled out of the mansion and into the crisp autumn air. The wind blew into my eyes, tearing them up in the process. Let them fall. Let the tears fall.

I ran down the walkway and to the hospital, forgetting that it'd be faster to just take a car.

"Wait for me... Hikaru."


Short chapter~ And it's a cliffhanger~ What becomes of the twins? Find out in the next chapter!

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[ a lot of you have asked for more yaoi? wow you guys are pretty weird... i'll try and fit some in. cx ]

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