Hikaru's Dilemma

448 17 6

Kaoru POV

I watched as the blood trickled down my fingers and into the sink. The razor which I held loosely in my right hand fell with a clatter into the puddle of redness.

Sighing, I turned my attention towards the mirror. "I look like shit," I mumbled.

The rings under my eyes had grown even larger, and my skin was a sickly pale. I turned on the faucet and washed my arms off. My arms stung as the water ran over the wounds and I hissed in pain. But the stinging was nothing compared to the wounds in my heart.

I dragged my feet across the carpet and back to my bed. Throwing myself onto the covers, I looked at the clock. It read 6 o'clock in the morning.

"Might as well skip school today and get some rest," I thought.

Tamaki POV

The clock struck three times. I jumped out of my seat and bolted out of the classroom to Music Room 3. Slamming the double doors open, I skidded to a halt in the empty club room. "WHY IS EVERYBODY ALWAYS LATE?!" I whined.

"Because walking at a leisurely pace is much more comfortable than sprinting all the time, no?" a silky voice that belonged to a raven-haired teen replied.

"But Kyoya!" I complained. "I, the king of this Host Club, demanded a meeting directly after classes."

Kyoya sighed, pushing his glasses back into place. "Not everyone is as energetic as you are, Tamaki. And by the way, I forgot to tell you: the first years are on a trip to the botanical gardens today. They won't be back until after 4."


Kyoya smirked and paced towards the window. "Even great geniuses make the occasional error."

"Well I feel that you did that one on purpose," I said pouting.

A few moments in passed in silence. I was still huddled in my corner when I felt two arms wrap around my waist. "Does someone need a hug?" Kyoya whispered in my ear. His tone of voice was completely different. His usual cold demeanour had melted away and was replaced by a warm and loving attitude. Nuzzling into the crook of his neck, a smile crept onto my face. This was a rare moment.

All of a sudden, the door slammed open, causing Kyoya to jerk upright and leave me on the floor.

"Tama-Chan! We heard that there was a meeting. I hope we're not late," Honey exclaimed while sitting on Mori's shoulders.

I sulked and stared at the ground, ignoring Honey-Senpai's words.

"Tama-Chan? Is something wrong?" Honey questioned adorably.

"Darn it! A wasted moment... Kyoya never shows me this side of him! What terrible luck..." I thought to myself.

"Tama-Chan! Can you hear me?!" Honey yelled into my ear, snapping me out of my daze.

"Sorry, Honey-Senpai. Just thinking. That's all," I replied quickly, brushing my thoughts away. "So, now we just have to wait for the first years. How much longer Kyoya?"

Kyoya flipped open his phone and checked the time. "Just another half hour. But knowing you, you're going to bore yourself to death. I suggest we commence the meeting and just fill in the other three later."


Honey raised his hand and said, "But Tama-Chan, didn't you hear? Kao-Chan didn't come to school today."

I gaped at him and stared at Kyoya for confirmation.

"That fact is indeed true," the raven confirmed. "Apparently he called in sick for the past two days. I'm sure Hikaru would inform him of the details."

I stared at them in shock. "Does anybody know what man-da-to-ry means?" I questioned exasperatedly.

At that moment, the door swung open to reveal an overly happy Hikaru and Haruhi. "Yo!" the twin greeted us joyfully.

"Sorry we're late Senpai. We had a trip to the gardens today," Haruhi panted trying to catch her breath.

"Haruhi, you are forgiven. But Hikaru, where is your brother?" I asked.

"Huh? Kaoru? Beats me," he replied shrugging his shoulders.

My eyes twitched as I held in my anger. "It's okay. We'll just fill him in later," I breathed trying to calm down.

<<< 5 hours later at Hitachiin manor >>>

Hikaru POV

I went up the stairs slowly with my hands in my pockets. "Milord decided to have a rather long meeting..." I yawned.

Reaching the top of the stairs, I turned to the right towards my bedroom. The past few days have been rather strange. Kaoru and I usually shared a room -- my room. But recently, he's been locking himself in his own room... Is he alright?

I stopped in front of Kaoru's room. I clenched my fist and held it a few inches away from the heavy oak door. "Why am I hesitating? He's my brother. I should be there for him," I thought.

Moments passed in silence as I stared at the door, hoping that Kaoru would open it voluntarily. "C'mon Kaoru... Aren't twins supposed to be telepathic?" I mumbled under my breath. That's when the thoughts of Sunday night rolled in. He said he loved me. He confessed and I couldn't reject him... So I lied to protect him.

"Dammit... Was that not the right thing to do?" I gritted my teeth and held back my tears. "I love Haruhi... But if I continue this way, what would become of you? What would become of me?" I frowned and tried my best to hide my emotions. Opening up my fist, I looked at the marks where my nails dug into the skin. Kaoru, how much pain can you endure?

Turning away, I headed down the hall to my own room. "I need to think," I whispered inaudibly.

I laid down on the sheets and covered my face with my hands. "Ugh, what am I gonna do?" I mumbled. "I fucking hurt him even more by lying to him..."

I looked at my hands and stared at them for a while. "Haruhi or Kaoru... Haruhi... or Kaoru..."

Sighing, I covered my face again and groaned. "What have I gotten myself into?"

"I CAN'T JUST LEAVE ONE OF THEM HANGING, DAMMIT!" I yelled at myself. I was beyond frustrated.

After a few hours of staring at the ceiling, I made a decision. "Kaoru should be able to understand. And anyways, we'll always be together as siblings."

Narrator POV

Kaoru, who had his ear pressed against Hikaru's door heard the whole thing. "So he chose her, huh."

He slumped down onto the ground and sighed. But I love you in a different manner. Not as a sibling, but something more...


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