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Darkness beyond all the eye could see. It was everywhere - nothing but pitch blackness. It engulfed his very being. There was nothing within his grasp. This world was bland.

He spun around to his right, to his left... Nothing.

A dull thump.

A strong smell of rust.

As he took three paces forward, he felt his feet step into a puddle of warmth. Bending down, he slid his fingers along the sticky substance. Blood?

Taking in a deep breath, he continued. His left foot came into contact with something soft and flesh-like.

Suddenly, a spotlight shone down on a pale lifeless form that laid sprawled before him in a pool of dark crimson blood.


Hikaru awoke in the middle of the night, gasping for air. Beads of cold sweat trickled down his skin, dampening his nightclothes. In between ragged breaths, he recollected his thoughts, staring at his trembling fingers. His hands were cold and clammy.

Whipping his head to his right, he spotted a figure in the sheets. He reached out slowly with caution and brushed his fingertips along the silky material before ripping the blankets off of the bed.

"Nn, Hikaru... what was that for?" Kaoru mumbled as he sat up slowly. Dark rings lined the lower sections of his eyes.

Hikaru stared at his twin in horror, and with a quivering voice, he whispered, "N-nothing."

"Then go back the sleep. It's way too early." Kaoru quickly dozed off and Hikaru was left to reflect on his nightmare.

He crawled out of the tangle of sheets and stumbled towards the door. Looking back one last time, he let the door close behind him.


"Master Kaoru?"


"There is a letter addressed to you. Would you like to read it?"

"Who's it from?"

"It doesn't say."

"Bring it here."

The butler reached into his coat pocket and retrieved said letter. Rather than the regular envelope one would see on a regular letter, it was folded up in a crude manner, as if the writer was in a hurry. Taking the parcel from the elderly man's gloved hand, Kaoru looked at it with curiosity.

The outer parts of the paper was plain and contained a shaky scrawl reading "Kaoru Hitachiin". Turning the folded paper over, he slowly tore open the crooked masking tape seal. "Can you leave the room for a moment?"

"Most definitely, sir." The butler turned and closed the heavy oak door gently.

Kaoru looked back down at the paper and unfolded it slowly, unsure of its inner contents. As he flattened out the sheet of paper, a photo fell out and landed on the burgundy carpet. He frowned at the picture. "Strange..." he thought to himself.

Turning his attention back to the letter, he skimmed the words on the page and his face froze. His eyes traced back to the beginning of the letter as he read it more carefully the second time. He glanced over to his left and looked at the photo again.

A single word escaped his lips before he leaped out of the armchair and sprinted towards the forest.




"If star-crossed lovers commit dual suicide, they are reborn as twins."

I'm sorry I couldn't continue being your lover in this life. Someone like me just didn't deserve someone like you.

But what happens when twins commit suicide? I hope I'm reborn not only as your lover, but as your twin as well.

This is goodbye.

~ Hikaru


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