Lost in Thought

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Honey POV

"Takashi, should we go home now? It's getting dark..." I whimpered.

"Yes, Mitsukuni," Mori answered as he lifted me onto his shoulders. Although I could easily protect myself; Takashi has always been my caretaker. I liked it though, Takashi wasn't just my cousin; he was my best friend! We would go buy cakes, play, and explore together like we did tonight, except this time, we got lost...

I laid my chin onto Takashi's head and clutched Usa-Chan with my right arm as Takashi began hiking through the dense foliage. I took a deep breath and Takashi's scent filled my lungs. It's almost as good as the smell of cake~

The moon shone brightly, but it was still too dark to be able to see everything. I hope there isn't anything scary around here... I don't like scary things... But I knew I was safe. "Takashi is with me", I thought smiling.

After about half an hour of walking, Takashi stopped and said,"Mitsukuni, we're lost."

"What? We can't be lost... Which way did we come in from? I want to go homeeeeee!" I cried. My eyes dampened and a tear rolled down my cheek. Will I ever see my dear friends ever again?

"We'll continue tomorrow. Rest, Mitsukuni." Takashi set me down onto the earth, wiped my tears and said, "We can wait till daybreak."

Even though I was numb from the cold, Takashi's words made me feel warm and fuzzy inside. He always made me feel this way; it's how best friends are supposed to make each other feel, right? I yawned and soon, I fell into a pleasant slumber; dreaming about Takashi, cake, and the Host Club. But mostly, I dreamt about Takashi. My Takashi.

Mori POV

When I was certain that Mitsukuni had fallen asleep, I took my jacket off and laid it on top of him. I'd be devastated if he were to catch a cold. I sat down next to his huddled form and wrapped my arm around him.

Mitsukuni, he was the first person who spoke to me kindly. He was the first person to ask me about my feelings. He was the first one who cared...

Thoughts filled my head as I stared at the branches overhead and soon, I began to feel drowsy. I took one last look at Mitsukuni and closed my eyes, falling into a deep sleep.

Time skip to morning.

I awaken to the sounds of nature: birds chirping, leaves rustling; the poet's greatest dream. Looking to my right, I see that Mitsukuni was still sound asleep, leaning onto my arm in the place of a pillow. It felt comfortable this way.

The chilly autumn breeze made the leaves rustle, and me shiver. Winter was on the way...

Mitsukuni looked like an Angel when sleeping: long eyelashes, honey blond hair, his innocent baby-like face... He was adorable.

My mind went back to the time when Tamaki asked me if I ever wanted to kiss Mitsukuni, and I replied, "No." I lied. I have wanted to kiss him before, maybe just a peck on the forehead, but still, it didn't seem right to me.

I frowned and continued pondering about my complicated situation. I'm sure nobody ever thought like me before... I must be insane. But I was happy the way it was now: Mitsukuni spent most of his time with me, and I spent most of my time with him. I liked it that way.

I snapped out of my thoughts as Mitsukuni rolled over in his sleep. He murmured, "Takashi... Don't... Go..."

I smiled, realizing that Mitsukuni needed me, just as much as I needed him.

Honey POV

When I woke up, the sun was already high above us and Takashi was wide awake, staring into space, deep in thought. I had a bad dream last night... I dreamt that Takashi left me and never came back... I wonder if it was true?

I looked at him and sought an answer, "Takashi, will you ever leave me?"

He looked down at me and remained silent. I waited for his reply and after a while, he simply said, "No."

His response relieved me so I jumped up happily and tugged on Takashi's sleeve, "C'mon Takashi! Let's go find a way out of the forest!"

Mori POV

Standing up and following him, I couldn't help but smile.

Adorable. He's just adorable. My little Mitsukuni is adorable.


Can't believe I actually made it this far! I'm so happy right now and I can't express my thanks to you guys through words. I appreciate you reading my stories and it'd be awesome if you left some suggestions cuz I'd be glad to include them! ^_^


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