I'm Fine

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Kaoru POV

I strolled down the hallway with a calm demeanour, but on the inside, I was in aggravating pain - the pain of not being loved by the one who matters most to you.

I haven't been to school for two whole weeks, but not much has changed. The windows were polished and the floors were waxed. Even the curtains seemed to remain in the same place; neat folds fluttered as I sped past them. Past those pitying eyes.

Stares and whispers engulfed me as I continued down the lavish corridor. I don't blame them for gawking, I did look like absolute shit: my eyes were glazed over, my hair was a mess, and I was paler than a ghost. But who cares? Let them stare. It isn't going to make a difference in my life.

Entering my home room, I looked around. Only a couple of students had arrived, and luckily, the two lovebirds weren't present. Sighing, I laid my head down on the desk for a nap. I felt everyone's eyes on me, but I didn't care.

I wonder what has happened while I was away...

I awoken to the sound of someone pulling out a chair and taking a seat next to me. Hikaru.

"Yo, it's been a while," he greeted.

I turned to face my brother, who had an awkward toothy grin plastered on his angelic face.

"Yeah," I mumbled in reply.

"So how are you feeling?" Hikaru asked, the concern showing in his voice.

My lip quivered, tears threatened to spill out of my eyes. How much I wanted to tell him; how much I wanted to be in his arms. But he belonged to someone else, not me.

"I'm fine."

Turning my attention to the blackboard, the teacher walked in and welcomed me back. "Why did I even come to school?" I mumbled to nobody in particular.

Hikaru POV

"I'm fine," Kaoru answered and turned away.

" 'I'm fine' I remember reading about that somewhere in my book," I thought. Pulling a book titled, Anatomy of the Human Mind: Teenage Edition, out of my bag, I flipped through the pages and stopped at the section labelled 'Sorrow'.

I frowned as I read the description: "Most humans when in distress prefer to keep to themselves. When asked about their feelings or emotions, a common answer would be 'I'm fine' or 'everything's ok'. One should not interfere with others' problems, but a close friend or relative who understands their pain, should take action."

Quietly shutting the book, I looked over my shoulder to see my brother. He was deep in thought about something, the pain was prominent in his eyes. "What in the world happened to the brother I love?" I worried, biting my bottom lip. Flipping through the thick hardcover, I slammed it shut. "Dammit, why don't you have anything on how I can help?!"

"Hikaru Hitachiin, if you have any issues in this class, you can consult me afterwards," the teacher snapped at me sternly, causing me to flinch.

"It's nothing ma'am. Sorry for the outburst."

I hung my head as I thought. How do I make my little brother happy again?

<<< cafeteria >>>

"Hikaru! There you are!" Haruhi jogged towards me and I bit my lip. I was going to talk to Kaoru... I guess it can wait...

"H-hey! How's it going, Haruhi?"

She frowned at me. "Good. What about you? Why'd you just snap in home room?"

"Ah that was nothing," I said, rubbing the back of my neck. It was an obvious lie, but I had to do whatever it takes to get my brother back.

"Hikaru, if anything is wrong, you can talk to me about it. Maybe I can help."

"Yeah, of course... I know. Um look, I've gotta meet up with someone, can we talk after school?" I said hurriedly while taking a step back.

"Yeah, sure," she replied with a confused look.

I ran out of the cafeteria and into the boys' lavatory. Pacing in front of the intricately carved mirrors, I stared at my reflection. "How do I talk to Haruhi and have her understand? I mean, she's the problem. If I leave Haruhi, Kaoru will be happy. That's the solution. But I really want to be with my girlfriend, and if I leave Haruhi, then my happiness is at stake. Oh my god..." I ranted and put my hands onto my face. Gripping the edges of the sink, I clenched my jaw and let out a grunt. "How am I supposed to choose between the two people I love?"


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