Broken Beyond Repair

438 18 4

Hikaru POV

It has been a week since Haruhi and I became a thing. And it's also been a week since Kaoru stopped coming to school. The Host Club and I began to worry about him, but every time I tried to talked to him, the words just wouldn't come out.

I sighed and looked over to his empty seat. Are you alright, Kaoru?

Staring out of the classroom window, a flock of birds flew past. I frowned and tried to pay attention to what the teacher was saying. "This is gonna be a long day..." I muttered under my breath.

Haruhi POV

I frowned at Hikaru. He's been quiet for the past few days... Are things between him and Kaoru ok?

I averted my attention back to the front of the classroom and waited for the lunch bell to ring. Sighing, I rested my head on the desk. What a boring lesson...

After the lunch bell rang, I made my way to the lunchroom. Entering the cafeteria, I realized that Hikaru wasn't with me. I scanned the the entire room, but didn't catch sight of him. Where was he?

Hikaru POV

I slammed and locked the restroom door. Looking into the mirror, I gripped my hair and grimaced. "Dammit Kaoru, what are you doing?" I mumbled.

I took out my phone and dialled Kaoru's number. "You better pick up, Kaoru." I paced around in front of the sinks, mumbling furiously to myself. The line disconnected and I redialled his number over and over again. "DAMMIT KAORU ANSWER YOUR PHONE ALREADY!"

After slamming my fist into the wall, I seemed to calm down a bit. I sighed and tried to retain my posture. "It's ok, he's probably just out of battery or something," I mustered, trying to cool myself down. "It's alright. Kaoru is always fine."

I fixed my hair and washed my hands, only the flinch in pain when the water hit my knuckles. The parts that made contact with the wall were badly scraped. "I have such terrible luck..."

I strolled out of the restroom and towards the cafeteria, pretending that nothing had happened. But deep down inside, my emotions were in great turmoil.

Haruhi POV

"Oi, Hikaru! Over here!"

He turned and looked towards me. I frowned when he hesitated; it wasn't like him to be like this... What happened to the happy-go-lucky prankster?

Hikaru sat down next to me and sighed. "Is something wrong?" I asked.

He turned his head away and mumbled, "It's fine."

I furrowed my eyebrows, but decided not to pry. Maybe he's just having a bad day...

I looked down at my food and noticed Hikaru's scraped knuckles. "Hikaru, what happened to your hand?"

With his head still turned away, he muttered, "It's nothing."

Sighing, I resumed my eating. I wonder what happened between those two...

Hikaru POV

I twirled my pen, waiting for the school day to end so I could talk with my brother. "What's wrong with him?" I thought. "Is he sick? And what am I supposed to tell him anyways? I chose Haruhi over you. That would hurt him so much..."

I sighed and stared out of the window. "What am I without you Kaoru?"

The bell rang and everyone packed up and left the classroom. I dashed down the stairs and slammed the door of the limo that was waiting outside. I was desperately in need of Kaoru's calming voice.

As we pulled into the driveway, I didn't wait for anyone to open the door for me. I bolted into the mansion, up the stairs, and straight to Kaoru's room. "But what am I supposed to say?" I worried.

Ignoring that fact, I knocked the door and waited for an answer.

Kaoru POV

I woke up and looked at the clock. It read three thirty in the afternoon. Rubbing my eyes, I sat up and flipped open my phone. "Seventeen missed calls? What the heck?" I thought.

Just then, there was a knock at my door. "Who is it?" I croaked, my voice barely audible.

The person on the other side replied, "It's me, Hikaru! I want to talk!"

I gulped and closed my eyes. "Fine, come in."

The door opened slowly to reveal my brother. He looked a little distressed, but otherwise, he seemed healthy; healthier than me anyways.

He approached my bed where I was still sitting. "Kaoru, you look dead... Are you sick or something?"

"Yeah... I guess..." I lied.

Hikaru seemed relieved and replied, "Hope you get better soon!" He grinned a half-hearted grin.

I closed my eyes and wanted to get this over with as quickly as possible. "What did you want, Hikaru?"

Hikaru hesitated and scratched the back of his neck. "Well... I came here to... Well... I just wanted to let you know... That...... Ummm......"

I already knew what he was going to say: I chose Haruhi over you. But I just wanted to hear him say it to me; so I know for sure. I grasped the sheets and held on like it was my last hope. Can't he say that he loves me instead?

Hikaru POV

I stuttered so many times, darn it!

"I'm going out with Haruhi!" I blurted suddenly. 

Instead of widening his eyes in shock, Kaoru did the opposite. "He closed his eyes? Why?" I thought to myself.

After a moment of silence, Kaoru replied in a hollow and monotonous voice, "Is that so? Well, congratulations. I hope it goes well."

I was shocked by his answer. Isn't he the least bit mad that I chose someone else over him? "We're gonna spend less time together from now on... But if you need anything, just tell me, ok Kaoru?"

"Hmm? Alright. I'll be fine as long as you're happy." he said with a fake smile.

I grinned back at him and gave him a thumbs up. "Don't worry! I'm gonna do my best and spend time with both of you!"

"That's good to hear."

I turned around and headed to my room. Grinning from ear to ear, I dialled Haruhi's number. This is going to be the best day ever!

Kaoru POV

There. He said it. He loved Haruhi more than me. Tears rolled down my emotionless face. I was broken beyond repair. Why? I was there for you all times before we met Haruhi. Why her over me?

I gripped the sheets and cried. How can I be whole, without my other half?


Thank you for reading! I hope you liked this chapter. Comments and votes are appreciated! ❤️

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