Nightmares in Broad Daylight

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The sun was high in the clear, cloudless sky when Tamaki woke up. He looked over to his side and found his lover still fast asleep with his arm draped across Tamaki's chest. He gazed at Kyoya for a moment, leaned over, and pecked the dark prince lightly on his lips.

Tamaki POV

I sighed as I laid back down and stared at the ceiling. "He's so handsome... I must be the luckiest man alive to have him," I thought. I smiled and rolled out of bed, careful not to wake Kyoya from his peaceful slumber.

I looked on the bedroom floor and saw the articles of clothing. That's when last night hit me; I was naked. I blushed and quickly slipped on my jeans and buttoned up my now wrinkled shirt. I giggled, remembering what I had done to my best friend last night. Now that's something I won't forget.

Kyoya POV

Opening my eyes slowly, I was instantly blinded by the bright light coming in from the window. I rolled over to my other side and dozed off once again.

Entering Kyoya's dream...

I was in a dark room. There was a single lightbulb hanging from the ceiling; it looked like a torture chamber... Sitting up, a sharp pain ran down my spine and I fell down onto the cold, hard ground. The concrete scraped against my skin from where my back slapped against the ground. I groaned and rolled over to my side. Where was I?

A door opened in the distance and light flooded into the room. A lean figure stood in doorway and strode into the dark room slamming the exit way shut. The man walked towards me in slow, graceful strides. Although I couldn't see his face, I knew who it was. Tamaki.

"Tamaki, where are we?"

"Hush, mommy. You'll find out soon."

Tamaki's tone sent a chill through my body; his voice was quiet and eerie. I gasped as Tamaki grabbed my wrist and dragged me painfully across the ground. "Stop! Tamaki, what are you doing?!"

"You'll enjoy this very much..." he whispered.

I swallowed and looked ahead; I couldn't decipher what I saw. I squinted into the distance and spotted something that resembled a... bed?

Tamaki POV

I stepped out of the bathroom and glanced at the bed. Kyoya was still asleep, but he was tossing and turning. I walked over to my friend, I took Kyoya's hand in mine and shook him. "Kyoya, wake up. C'mon sleepy head, it's almost noon."

When he still didn't wake up, I shook him harder, "Kyoya, wake up."

Kyoya POV

I woke up startled and gasped, "It was just a dream..." I was relieved, but then, I saw Tamaki holding my hand.

"Tamaki, what are you doing?"

"You wouldn't wake up," he replied with a smile.

At that moment, I realized that I was completely naked. My eyes widened in surprise, then I gaped my mouth in horror. Had I really done 'that' last night?!

"Tamaki, did we really-"

The blond cut me off and replied softly, "Shh... What's been done is done. It can't be undone. And by the way, were you having a nightmare?" He looked at me with worried eyes.

"Ya, but it's nothing," I replied quietly while blushing.

"Don't worry, Kyoya. I'm always here for you." And with that, he pulled me into an embrace.

I was somewhat embarrassed, but when I realized that nobody was watching, I settled down and laid my head gently onto Tamaki's shoulder.


Thanks for reading, it's greatly appreciated! ^_^ And just to let you know, if you want the next chapters to be about a certain subject, then please let me know so I can incorporate your ideas as well as my own!
~Love you all, Author-Chan

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